ForumsGame WalkthroughsArmor Mayhem strategy guide

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105 posts

Heya folks!
I made this forum for people that want to make Armor Mayhem easier, to let them look at game types from other sides, and of course to make some game types much funnier! =D

* Alright... I think i should just begin with the types you can play (overall).

* Brute: Just run as a freak trying to get a high as possible kill streak and kill every enemy that came in your sight while taking less control over (most of) the objectives.

* Balanced: Mostly go after the objective and (if it isn't needed already) kill upcoming enemies.

* Careful: Try to do the objective while trying to take as less contact with enemies as possible.

* Speedy: Just do the objective as fast as possible and just shoot enemies without getting taken off the job.

* Alright now I give the ways you can see all of the game types.

* Death Match: I don't have much to tell about this one...
Just walk around and shoot people.

* Team Death Match: Still don't have much to tell...
As long you still don't get trouble with multiple enemies on your own it's still fine.

* Data Capture: Look, NOW i can say something!
You can play this type on 3 ways:
* If you're not that good it's better if you let your allies set on "Free" and just guard the flag.
* If you can play pretty good it is better to set your allies on "Go And Stay" and go after the flag yourself.
* If you are moderate or just want to do this a fast as possible you can better set your allies on "Free" and too go after the flag.
got an enemy the flag? just only go after him if other flag(s) already got taken!

* Map Control: Sadly again don't have got up much to say...
Just set your allies on "Free" and be sure you take control of most of the posts.
Small tip: take (when played little time) control over the posts of the enemy! (then you get faster and the enemy slower)

* Overdrive: I got up 2 kinds of game-plays here (I like the second the most =3):
* Play it normal: Just run around and shoot random enemies. (again, be sure you don't have trouble with multiple enemies)
* Play Hide-And-Seek!: Just go to safe places and be sure you make as less contact to ANY enemy! =D (it doesn't count on kills but on time you have overdrive)

* Next coming up iisss... How to get fast money? $_$. (not really recommended to go after money)

* First of all you need to know what mission(s) is easy. (where you got gold medal) (you only get money at missions)
* then just repeat that mission(s) to get faster money. (higher medals (time) means more money! $_$)

* Now we came up to the following: Example/Tips for the guns!

* Machine Gun: The default weapon, not really recommended...
I should just only use it if you can't find any other gun that you can handle better than that one. (ALL other weapons do more damage than this weapon)

* Shotgun: A spread gun (what all of you probably already knew XD).
Not really recommended for long-range...
If you can make it to let all off the (3) bullets hit the enemy it can do pretty nice damage!

* UZI: Practical the same gun as the Machine Gun...
Only then much stronger!
But sadly on the other hand it has pretty bad accuracy...

* Plasma Rifle: Very slow reload time, pretty high damage, perfect accuracy and thick ray where you can hit with....
Still not my favorite because you still somehow miss a lot of times.

* Rocket Launcher: Like the description already says: BRING IN THE BIG GUNS!
It does pretty high damage and has explosive bullets! (so can hit multiple enemies)
Sadly it doesn't have that much accuracy...
BUT! It's coming close to my favorite.

* Auto. Aiming Rockets: Same as the Rocket Launcher only then the rockets have auto aim!
still the same but accuracy increased pretty much.
And this is my favorite! =D (I said it was close =3)

* Slow gun: Sadly got just 1 shot. But on the other hand it is pretty good in combination with the Machine Gun because you then can hit more times in (for the enemy =P) less time.

* Dart Gun: Pretty fast shooting rate, really good homing function. But Sadly does less damage so you must be sure half of munition get sticked to the enemy.
Pretty fun to kill an enemy while dead already. =P

* Multiplying Laser: I really hate this gun...
it doesn't even do massive damage when hit without exploding into multiple... But it too does half damage per smaller bullet!

* Ion Cannon: Most heavy gun in the whole game. Still not my favorite because it isn't that accurate.
why? Because you may not aim on the enemy... No... You need to aim UNDER or BESIDE the enemy to let the Ion Cannon hit him.

This was my guide...
I hope it helped you!
Set up comment if you want or suggestions of things that aren't right or if you miss something!

A pride game helper: den3107 (also on kongregate and nonoba)

  • 35 Replies
4 posts

actually i don't think the auto aiming isn't that accurate, if there are any corners it always hits the corner instead of going around or straight
the homing function isn't that good
the rockets and ion also have another reason theyre good, that is that you can shoot trough walls or ceilings (with the explosions)
but my personal favorite is ht eplasma rifle cause it's pretty strong and accurate, you just have to be good at aiming very fast

993 posts

* Plasma Rifle: Very slow reload time, pretty high damage, perfect accuracy and thick ray where you can hit with....
Still not my favorite because you still somehow miss a lot of times.
I dont think that weapon rate of fire (not reload rate) is that shotgun...And its my favourite, because it does nice dmg, has medium fire rate and shot hits instantly:like sniper.

* Auto. Aiming Rockets: Same as the Rocket Launcher only then the rockets have auto aim!
still the same but accuracy increased pretty much.

And it has higher fire rate...Sadly lesser damage too (well outherwise it would be overpowered).I like that gun too!

* Multiplying Laser: I really hate this gun...
it doesn't even do massive damage when hit without exploding into multiple... But it too does half damage per smaller bullet!

I hate it too, ususally you need most offammos for killing one enemy...
105 posts

k thanks for the comments...
i shall update after a few weeks (i give time to get more suggestions)

4 posts

Good guide, and I agree with you on the ion cannon, takes a lot to get used to it.

1,890 posts

When you start off, save up to get the 700$ armor. It is worth it.

73 posts

A faster way to do data capture is to score yourself as your team mates often get killed or take a longer path. Another way is taking turns: When you take the flag, tell your mates to stay at the enemy's base. When you score, set your mates free and start going back to the enemy's base. This way there is always someone to take the flag once they appear. When your flag got stolen it is not necessary to go after it because if you focus on scoring you will always win.

The auto aiming rockets need to hit 4 times to kill, unlike the rockets which need only 2 hits. It is more worthwhile firing them into a crowd.

High damage weapons can make missions a lot tougher. If you are having trouble you can consider unlocking the weapons only after you finish all missions.

Map control is tough on large maps. Focus on a few clustered control points and let your mates handle the rest, instead of running everywhere trying to get full control.

In Naval Battle there is a spot among the rocks near the water where enemies like to stay. Use the ion cannon on them to get multiple kills.

When an enemy is busy firing in one direction, get behind him. Maintain a distance and sometimes he won't turn.

105 posts

wave in a few you are right but i need to make a whole new section for those and i have to less for that (i WILL put them in the next update i think)

993 posts

I dont think that weapon rate of fire (not reload rate) is that shotgun...And its my favourite, because it does nice dmg, has medium fire rate and shot hits instantly:like sniper.

What at h...?I ment to say that plasma rifle`s rate of fire is higher that shotgun...

High damage weapons can make missions a lot tougher. If you are having trouble you can consider unlocking the weapons only after you finish all missions.

I defenedly agree with that!I only bought ion cannon and rocket launcher for missions (I want to test it), and completed all missions in a row.Them I bought all other weapons and now its harder to play, because when bots get auto aim. orcket launcehr, yu are skrewed...

* Ion Cannon: Most heavy gun in the whole game. Still not my favorite because it isn't that accurate.
why? Because you may not aim on the enemy... No... You need to aim UNDER or BESIDE the enemy to let the Ion Cannon hit him.

Its not that difficult, Ion canon has huge splash, most of time I damage enemies for it, and it kills enemy for 2 shots.

* Rocket Launcher: Like the description already says: BRING IN THE BIG GUNS!
It does pretty high damage and has explosive bullets! (so can hit multiple enemies)
Sadly it doesn't have that much accuracy...
BUT! It's coming close to my favorite.

Not much accuracy?It has same accuracy as plasma rifle, where you click, there shot goes!What makes it difficult to kill enemies, is that they usually run randomly around...

Btw where you use adrenaline?I use it only for getting accurate shots (mostly with plasma rifle, but some causes ion cannon and rocket launcher too).
73 posts

Btw where you use adrenaline?I use it only for getting accurate shots (mostly with plasma rifle, but some causes ion cannon and rocket launcher too).

Good point. I didn't even think of that and never used it. Now that you mention it, it is an effective way to help with aiming.
993 posts

I didn't even think of that and never used it. Now that you mention it, it is an effective way to help with aiming.

Like my friend.I told him about Armor mayhem, after some days he said that he has unlocked all weapons, then I ask where he use adrenaline and he says:
Can you use it?
I think that adrenaline is not even required in Armor mayhem, I`d like to know why maker of that game put it in there...
Btw I dont use adrenaline often if I have ´bullet` weapon, like machinegun, uzi etc, since it takes time to bullets hit and its boring to watch when bullets move so ssssssssllllllllooooooooowwwwww.
105 posts

i knew i forgot something!!!
thanks for reminding me to put adrenaline in next update =3

105 posts

I use it when it poppes in my head =3
pretty fun too see the corpse of peeps go slow and stuff XD

2 posts

The machine gun isn't actually that bad. It's third in terms of kills for me. Just go right up to a guy shooting, and it will take a while for them to start shooting back. You'll take damage, yes, but you'll get the kill easily.

105 posts

the things i put there are just what I think about it =3
but yeah if i use it i most of the time do it your way (or just slow them down >=3)

2,420 posts

The machine gun isn't actually that bad. It's third in terms of kills for me. Just go right up to a guy shooting, and it will take a while for them to start shooting back. You'll take damage, yes, but you'll get the kill easily.

I have 40 000 shots with it and the rest of the guns added up don't even make a third of it (only about 10 000). I have 800 kills with the machine gun but my accuracy is only 26%, but it doesn't matter.
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