I'm in the process of making my first flash game, so I was wondering, what ways are there to get money from flash games. There are probably lots of ways, but I don't know any at present, so help would be appreciated
Well you can go to kongergate.com sign up become a developer.(Free) I hope i gave you the info you wanted.I'm a developer and my Revenue is like $1.67 right .
You could work for Armor Games, or Addicting games or miniclip or stuff like that.
He said this is his first game, and generally a flash game sponsor requires previous experience before hiring.
I made $523 off my first game just by running mochi ads in the preloader, so mochi is great for people just starting out. You wont pay the bills with it, but it'll put some change in your pocket.
Thanks everyone! I'll probably put mochi ad's on my first game and then as I get more experienced I'll try to get a placed at armor games or miniclip Just one more question though, I'm pretty sure you can't put your game on armor games if it has mochi ads, so would I have to make my own website, or is there somewhere else it could go?
Yeah mochi ads API is cool, but i'm not sure about two things. 1 on kongregate it says that you can have up to 50% of the ad revenue of the game. What does it mean? If I put a mochi ad kongregate will take 50% of my money? 2 in the submit window here on ag they want you to certify that your game does not contain mochi ads, but some games here have ads. Is there another API ag accept or what?
@PO51D3N - Good luck to you! sounds like a plan :P another avenue could be FlashGameLicense where your game could pick up a sponorship or two (and you can also run mochiads there, but most sponsors are going to have you remove the Mochi API in a site-locked version for their package) Mochi also has a distribution network of something like over 200 portals that they will publish it to automatically (mostly in China lol) if you choose that option.
@gaboloth - you betcha 1) yeah i think they run their own API for the rev sharing at Kong - but i'm not certain about that (pretty sure)
2) i don't think so - most of the time with large 'real' portals and sponsors, they have their own add service contracts and API, that's how they make the money to keep this place running for free - so they wont be able to allow other outside 3rd party services, or it will dilute their ad systems/contracts and make them less desirable to paid advertisers
On kongregate it says that you can have up to 50% of the ad revenue of the game. What does it mean? If I put a mochi ad kongregate will take 50% of my money?
The revenue is generated by ads they put on your page and in game, not by mochi ads. Kongregate actually doesn't alow mochi ads, so that a game doesn't have double ads. Kongregate also gives uses bonuses if the game is highly rated. For more info about revenue from Kongregate, visit [url=http://www.kongregate.com/pages/earn]
Also, if you are going to run mochi ads, you can't post your game on armorgames. The site doesn't allow any third-party advertisements, as stated on the submission form
As an addition: I believe you can turn of the ads for a specific domain from the mochi-ads control panel... this way I believe you can submit it to AG, and have ads in it... just not on AG
If your game is good enough you can get sponsorships, and some websites will actually pay you to have your game on theirs exclusively for x amount of time.
Though on a first game, not likely.
Just submit your game to various sites, and keep making games. Eventually you'll get some amount of credit, and start making money.
It's not as simple as one two three BAM, you have cash. It takes patience!