I'v just started looking and toying with flash, and I'm a total newb at it. So to put it straight: Where do I start? I'v figured doing it from the very beginning should be good. Does anyone have some useful links / tutorials that goes all the way back to -basic programming language to AS if there is one? I'd like links that explain / define the words, symbols use in AS.
perhaps learning even a more easier language before smoothing into AS? explaining some here would be grand.
i always say that the best place to start is at the source, the Flash Help docs (or livedocs) has a wealth of information, starting with the ground up concepts, start with the 'getting started' section. by beginning your reading there, you'll become familiar with the core concepts and structures of how things work - once you have a grasp on the basics of what things 'are', you will be able to better comprehend the incredible amount of tutorials and forums out there, and really start getting into it, trying things, experimenting, learning, discussing, etc.
Python could be a good beginner language would teach you some important concepts that you could easily apply to actionscript. Personally I find books more enjoyable, easier reference and better source for learning. Most are like only $30 and if you buy a good one and commit yourself to reading thought it and applying the knowledge your pretty much all set for the basics. Starring at the computer the entire day does not bode well for your vision. That' why I recommend books. But everything beech said is true but I've never really found them that intuitive.
And for the simplest language, I did that with as2, but I'm not sure it's a good idea, because I still have some trouble to leave some as2 things. I think it's better to start with as3.
Darkroot: "..I've never really found them that intuitive" - aint that the truth! LOL - that is certainly a good point, the Adobe docs are a little dry, but the 'getting started' sections will give a basis for what the objects are, how to use the IDE, and a few other 'basic' handy tips - but certainly not a comprehensive/complete understanding of what is possible (or even best practice sometimes)
i too enjoy books as well, and there are tons out there - a friend of mine has also co-authored several at quip.com - but i think that they are more advanced concepts and not necessarily a 'beginner' series.
when i was starting another resource for me was learnflash.com - there's also lynda.com which is very popular - and a host of others as well. i liked learnflash, they are very thorough in describing the core concepts, they have several free tuts, but series that are sold - i think the lynda.com tutorials are entirely free and also well liked/good info.
gaboloth: "I think it's better to start with as3" - totally agree! if you haven't started learning yet - start learning AS3 - it may be tempting to use 2 because you can get many programming tools for free - but that tells you right there that it is OLD, and not up to date - to be able to keep pace with what's going on out there, you should start right in with AS3 (which may be upgraded soon enough - but i think the core structure will remain)
update: i just happened to swing into lynda.com via another forum post and low and behold - they are now charging a subscription fee! they still have some free tuts, but it looks like things have changed a bit in the last few years
Should I be making games from scratch and codes? or should I use/tinker/reconstruct/study etc. other people's code and tutorials? what's the best way to learn?
agree! if you type the code yourself, you seem to get a better understanding of what you're doing and why, it'll help it sink in a bit and be more concrete, and will also get you familiar with the common core structures - works well to do so while running through tutorials
if your new to programming, code small things first, learn how to code procedural stuff first, things like functions, Arrays, and loops. Then learn Object oriented things like properties and methods, inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism.
Heres a couple of links that can help you out with general ideas of programming.