Someone Says a Sport and the next person rates itExample:I say Soccer Next person rates it 9/10 and then says basketballAnd so onRules:1) Player must rate and remember to write a sport2) No spam3) Have FunIll start:Basketball
there really aren't that many sports, this game will probably end before the tenth page
You never wrote a sport
i'm saying is that why make a game that will end quickly?
basketball is 7/10lacross :P
Trust me it wont so lets start over againbasketball
Lacross 4/10 Wat is dat?Cross-Country
0/10 not a sportand you make a game about sports, yet don't even know what lacross (not american)
Football probably my favourite sport 10/10Beach Volleyball
He ment the non-american football.As in soccer.Ehhh...6/10 Dodgeball!!! XD
Dodgeball 9/10Normal volleyball
6/10 that
7/10 decent sportTennis
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