2011 AD... The humans living in herds, are thriving. They had no civilization, just living naturally... But one day, a person has discovered mysterious ruins, with strange sings. He touched them... The building suddenly exploded, and a spaceship was inside. The man didnt know what it is, but he goes nearer... He touches it... and... *BOOOM* The explosion pushes the man back but something seems to be different... The mind of a great Kalgyrian leader has been pumped into his brain! Everything, his knowledge, his memories, everything got into the mind of the man! Now, he knows what to do... Build a new civilization! The power of a great crystal got infused into him, he is no human anymore, hes more...
The first goal: re-establish the civilization on Earth. While protecting it from any dangers.
Planet: Earth Year: 2011 Goal: Re-establish a civilization on Earth, while protecting it from any dangers Health: 15,000/15,000 Resources: None Civilized population: 0% Population: 25,000 Humans Defences: none Dangers: Small asteroid (100/100) (5 posts before impact)
Its now a round where there is only one side. I make the dangers, you have to protect the Earth from them somehow. The only civilized person is the guy from the intro text. He has to teach others what to do and stuff, then it will spread. After that there will be a real "destroy" round.
Planet: Earth Year: 2011 Goal: Re-establish a civilization on Earth, while protecting it from any dangers Health: 15,000/15,000 Resources: 40 metal Civilized population: 5% Population: 25,000 Humans Defences: none Dangers: Small asteroid (100/100) (4 posts before impact)
Sorry for not updating so long, alot happened in the last days.
I go to man so i can be taught
He teaches you, you teach other guys!
I gather some metal and explosives
Metal from the shipwreck could be used, and it has surely explosives inside. Some metal is got! No explosives yet, but maybe the man knows where to look for them.
start designing/building a laser(to blow up asteroid)
There is a laser in the ruins, mybe the man knows how it has to be used/repaired.
I create lessons from the Civil Man so the Unlearned Men can learn. I start with basic language: Reading, writing and the like.
Great idea! The lessons get many people smarter!
build me a sword to use. (most of my techniques requires a sword, save for most of the chaos techniques, which i think i'll save for later.)
You use 10 from the 50 freshly gathered metal.
I do a long, intricate ritual to summon some flying monkeys to throw at people.
Why the heck would you throw monkeys at people??
I get the civilized man to teach others to dig underground homes to shelter from the asteroid.
Planet: Earth Year: 2011 Goal: Re-establish a civilization on Earth, while protecting it from any dangers Health: 15,000/15,000 Resources: 40 metal Civilized population: 10% Population: 25,000 Humans Defences: none Dangers: Small asteroid (100/100) (3 posts before impact)
Um alright how about the man gets the people to help fix the laser.
The laser is getting fixed! Maybe in 1 post.
i guess i use chaos punishment(teleport to the meteor and slash it) on the meteor 10 times in a row.
Using chaos control would be too easy, wouldnt it? It would ruin the fun.
I start training myself as a summoner to summon anyone to help protect earth.
You accidently summon all the people repairing the laser... Works will take 1 post longer, it will still be finished in time, but barely... Maybe you should train your summoning skills a little bit more...
I go build a hut from mud and sticks.
Finally people have a place to live in! Theyre totally IN now!
I start building large mines to get metal
You get lots of ore, but how to smelt it...? Maybe the big man can help.