2011 AD... The humans living in herds, are thriving. They had no civilization, just living naturally... But one day, a person has discovered mysterious ruins, with strange sings. He touched them... The building suddenly exploded, and a spaceship was inside. The man didnt know what it is, but he goes nearer... He touches it... and... *BOOOM* The explosion pushes the man back but something seems to be different... The mind of a great Kalgyrian leader has been pumped into his brain! Everything, his knowledge, his memories, everything got into the mind of the man! Now, he knows what to do... Build a new civilization! The power of a great crystal got infused into him, he is no human anymore, hes more...
The first goal: re-establish the civilization on Earth. While protecting it from any dangers.
Planet: Earth Year: 2011 Goal: Re-establish a civilization on Earth, while protecting it from any dangers Health: 15,000/15,000 Resources: None Civilized population: 0% Population: 25,000 Humans Defences: none Dangers: Small asteroid (100/100) (5 posts before impact)
Its now a round where there is only one side. I make the dangers, you have to protect the Earth from them somehow. The only civilized person is the guy from the intro text. He has to teach others what to do and stuff, then it will spread. After that there will be a real "destroy" round.
I go bacl to razer i think and i start rubbing my chin "I am a new name around the faction. You may have already heard the major projects I am running. I built it this way to fight agaisnt you all but,.......Razer is right. If we focus on upgrading weapons and infantry instead of researching and investagate where the man is the universe as we know it will end. I will sign the treaty but, in my name thor and sonic will decide if they want to do it. But, first things first. We must destroy the slime"
"Sonic, theorectically this slime has been growing so, fast it will eat anything and we will end up no place to live or survive. As for the energy you heard the man he said 500 years we have enough time to destroy the slime and go after the man. I am already working of intergalactic battle ship to travel through space"
*i looked back at the threads, of course, watching wolfman play DTP 2 and 1 was enough for me to be in the know* "I KNOW OF THIS RING! THE END WAS NEAR, THEY WERE FIGHTING, AND SOME ONE SUMMONDED UP THE GREAT RING OF HALO! HE USED ITS POWER TO WIPE OUT ALL LIFE! AND LIFE STARTED ONCE AGAIN IN THE ANDROMEDA GALAXY!" *i go in a crazed mad man phase, and hide my fuse ray in the core of starro, but no one knows where it is!*