2011 AD... The humans living in herds, are thriving. They had no civilization, just living naturally... But one day, a person has discovered mysterious ruins, with strange sings. He touched them... The building suddenly exploded, and a spaceship was inside. The man didnt know what it is, but he goes nearer... He touches it... and... *BOOOM* The explosion pushes the man back but something seems to be different... The mind of a great Kalgyrian leader has been pumped into his brain! Everything, his knowledge, his memories, everything got into the mind of the man! Now, he knows what to do... Build a new civilization! The power of a great crystal got infused into him, he is no human anymore, hes more...
The first goal: re-establish the civilization on Earth. While protecting it from any dangers.
Planet: Earth Year: 2011 Goal: Re-establish a civilization on Earth, while protecting it from any dangers Health: 15,000/15,000 Resources: None Civilized population: 0% Population: 25,000 Humans Defences: none Dangers: Small asteroid (100/100) (5 posts before impact)
Its now a round where there is only one side. I make the dangers, you have to protect the Earth from them somehow. The only civilized person is the guy from the intro text. He has to teach others what to do and stuff, then it will spread. After that there will be a real "destroy" round.
The future me comes here gets all his gear ready and....blows a large hole in the wall. I am free says the past me and we fuse...
I amputate all of sonicheroes95 body parts except for the ones he needs to remain alive, and hid the remaining body in a buried (locked)chest, in a underwater cave.
I break the laws of physics and double jump, createing a unforeseen paradox in all spider man games, destroying the universe along with zyba. Seriusly Zyba, you dont play spore's games the right way. Disregard the above action, im just pwning him with physics. And he isnt doing it because he is a noob, he made his account in 08'.
I go down and mine tons of metal, so i can make my holographic disguiser when the time comes!
Don't I? Just because I play differently doesn't mean it isn't correct. and the disregard is suppose to be aimed toward I? Well...Why is Chaos controlled allowed then?
You deal 1900 damage! Then you run out. There are rumors about a very strong acid, called AKflow... AKflew? AKflood? Sometzhing like that...
Sorry for being inactive!My computer crashed.Ill just..Mine for meterials and add a butler feature into the bot I made earlier on.
You gather some resources. You program your bot to be your personal butler too.
Their Sun supernova, turning into a black hole, sucking all material into an unknown abyss.
No supernovas, no black holes. Anything like that what one-hit kills the planet is disallowed. If you want to one-hit kill, you will have to think out a very smart strategy.
I help with the research so we can finish it before!
It is sped up a bit!
I rename my ship,Forward onto Dusk.Then try upgrading the weapons.
It is possible to upgrade, but you will need more then 30 metal.
i contruct a bonesaw and an energy shield. once i have made them i go down to the planet and go on a full-out rampage!
You kill people, but no damage to the planet at all.
I break the laws of physics and double jump, createing a unforeseen paradox in all spider man games, destroying the universe along with zyba. Seriusly Zyba, you dont play spore's games the right way. Disregard the above action, im just pwning him with physics. And he isnt doing it because he is a noob, he made his account in 08'.
I go down and mine tons of metal, so i can make my holographic disguiser when the time comes!
idea for 1 hit KO plus power gain for darth anyways..
use/fuse zombie disease with planet and see results other ideas involve making a large mine to the core or mantle of planet and setting off some sort of explosive and seeing how that goes.
also, if i can join can i start on earth with a large mining company?