ForumsForum GamesDestroy the Planet 4: The return to the Power

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2011 AD...
The humans living in herds, are thriving. They had no civilization, just living naturally... But one day, a person has discovered mysterious ruins, with strange sings. He touched them... The building suddenly exploded, and a spaceship was inside. The man didnt know what it is, but he goes nearer... He touches it... and... *BOOOM* The explosion pushes the man back but something seems to be different... The mind of a great Kalgyrian leader has been pumped into his brain! Everything, his knowledge, his memories, everything got into the mind of the man! Now, he knows what to do... Build a new civilization! The power of a great crystal got infused into him, he is no human anymore, hes more...

The first goal: re-establish the civilization on Earth. While protecting it from any dangers.

Planet: Earth
Year: 2011
Goal: Re-establish a civilization on Earth, while protecting it from any dangers
Health: 15,000/15,000
Resources: None
Civilized population: 0%
Population: 25,000 Humans
Defences: none
Dangers: Small asteroid (100/100) (5 posts before impact)

Its now a round where there is only one side. I make the dangers, you have to protect the Earth from them somehow. The only civilized person is the guy from the intro text. He has to teach others what to do and stuff, then it will spread. After that there will be a real "destroy" round.

  • 825 Replies
1,761 posts

If i sell to both sides, both sides make me rich, until i get threat letters or assassins at my door, LET THE SELLING TO BOTH SIDES BEGIN!

137 posts

(I dont think america can get a ton of nukes that fast and if you want to build them it would cost lots of recources)
Anyway my spaceship shoots it out of the sky with its lasers.
I than tell the martians the story that was passed down through earths history of the story that the mind of a great Kalgyrian leader was pumped into a mans brain. But we believe he is evil so we left earth for here!

4,049 posts

I make a HQ for a lot of people and maybe some tents beside them.
I then call more people from earth to come so they get trained.
Then take all of my trained soliders with me to tell the Martians a story.....

P.S Pretty Please let this work.I got a great story to tell them about this all.....

137 posts

Why would they trust earth humans? You threaten to destroy the world, their culture and their existance. If this works in 1 turn than i suggest the martians to prepare for a surprise attack.

1,373 posts

Planet: Mars
Health: 9 000/10 000
Defenders: bigeye
Attacker resources: 100 metal, 20 water
Defender resources: 20 metal, 10 water, 50 Martian minerals
Resistances: Explosion/Fire weapons
Weaknesses: Floods, water
Population: 20 000 Humans, 3 999 999 000 Martians
Status: The red planet. Its red... Its okay for now too.

I go(Again)to Earth and go to America.There i get tons of nukes.
Then i use them nukes to kill a lot of martians.

The nukes damage the planet only slightly because of the explosion resistance. 100 damage. And only a few Martians die. Mars has no magnetic field, well, it has, but its very weak. The Martians have developed a resistance against radiaton. 1000 die.

I try building a machine exo-armor that will help with moving humongous things, as well as sending those aliens back to mars without the use of a UFO

Are you a defender? If you are making it for the Martians you must be.

If i sell to both sides, both sides make me rich, until i get threat letters or assassins at my door, LET THE SELLING TO BOTH SIDES BEGIN!

You sell, sell, sell... Then one day you get an e-mail:
"You are selling stuff to both sides. Thats good for both, aswell bad for both. If you wont stop selling to both sides, and start selling only to ours, we might not kill you." There are 2 e-mails like this. One from each side.

Why would they trust earth humans? You threaten to destroy the world, their culture and their existance. If this works in 1 turn than i suggest the martians to prepare for a surprise attack.

They are indeed preparing. They share space-scanners, something like radars, with a very wide range, and in 3D. That will help against the attacks.
4,049 posts

I put an Atmoshpere in Mars with the help of Earths Terraforming Genius.Then i Heat up the Planet a bit so the water doesnt freeze instantly.Then I make a lot of Lakes which have heaters near them so they dont freeze while still making Moisture in the air that will create clouds.Then The clouds will start making rain because of the big moisture.Because the rain is at high altitude and it doesnt have heaters the rain should turn to Ice which will fall on martians and kill them while also if they miss they will maybe thaw and make more water that will maybe damage the planet.But to stop the ice coming on our side I make a sheild to protect us.

Brilliant Plan >

1,761 posts

Martians can send e-mails? O_O
I stop selling to the tratiors and martians.
Then use my acumilating money to make a custom space ship, full with a lab and a garden that can grow food in space. Then I hire some guards for the ship, and geneticly enchance them. Finally, i stock my ship with an escape pod and add a laser cannon on it. I know i might not beable to afford it all right NOW, but im useing the money i slowly acumelate

17,384 posts

I build a tractor beam and start grabbing as much asteroids as I can. Next I send these asteroids at Mars.

137 posts

I put an Atmoshpere in Mars with the help of Earths Terraforming Genius.Then i Heat up the Planet a bit so the water doesnt freeze instantly.Then I make a lot of Lakes which have heaters near them so they dont freeze while still making Moisture in the air that will create clouds.Then The clouds will start making rain because of the big moisture.Because the rain is at high altitude and it doesnt have heaters the rain should turn to Ice which will fall on martians and kill them while also if they miss they will maybe thaw and make more water that will maybe damage the planet.But to stop the ice coming on our side I make a sheild to protect us.

Detecting your ships with my space scanners, i send my defense ship(s) to stop them, i also start construction on more spaceships.
4,049 posts

Detecting your ships with my space scanners, i send my defense ship(s) to stop them, i also start construction on more spaceships.

I stop your defending space ships with out super homing nuke missles
1,373 posts

Planet: Mars
Health: 8 500/10 000
Defenders: bigeye
Attacker resources: 100 metal, 20 water
Defender resources: 20 metal, 10 water, 50 Martian minerals
Resistances: Explosion/Fire weapons
Weaknesses: None known right now
Population: 20 000 Humans, 3 000 000 000 Martians
Status: Its being terraformed. (5% progress, 5% progress per turn)

I put an Atmoshpere in Mars with the help of Earths Terraforming Genius.Then i Heat up the Planet a bit so the water doesnt freeze instantly.Then I make a lot of Lakes which have heaters near them so they dont freeze while still making Moisture in the air that will create clouds.Then The clouds will start making rain because of the big moisture.Because the rain is at high altitude and it doesnt have heaters the rain should turn to Ice which will fall on martians and kill them while also if they miss they will maybe thaw and make more water that will maybe damage the planet.But to stop the ice coming on our side I make a sheild to protect us.

Brilliant Plan >

The terraforming works! But the planet loses its flood/freeze weakness because its warmed up... And also many Martians die because of the climate change. The Martians demand to stop the terraforming, or they will kill even the traitors living on Mars!

Martians can send e-mails? O_O
I stop selling to the tratiors and martians.
Then use my acumilating money to make a custom space ship, full with a lab and a garden that can grow food in space. Then I hire some guards for the ship, and geneticly enchance them. Finally, i stock my ship with an escape pod and add a laser cannon on it. I know i might not beable to afford it all right NOW, but im useing the money i slowly acumelate

Your ship is bought... Are you going to join a side now?

I build a tractor beam and start grabbing as much asteroids as I can. Next I send these asteroids at Mars.

Its very handy that there is an asteroid belt right behind Mars 500 damage! A very simple, but yet very effective attack.

Detecting your ships with my space scanners, i send my defense ship(s) to stop them, i also start construction on more spaceships.

The ships arrive too late! The terraforming machines are placed! It is needed to destroy the terraforming machines. At least the fleeing attackers have been killed by the ships you sent!

I stop your defending space ships with out super homing nuke missles

Since the attackers still have no base on Mars, it is needed to launch them from a space station in the orbit. The missles are destroyed because they have been detected by the scanners.
4,049 posts

I make a huge base for all the Humans on Mars.
Then i start making defences around the terraforming machines.
Also I Command a lot of people on Earth to dig up a lot of Metal.
Also i use all our water to make a lake or something.Because mars warmed up it cannot freeze.

1,328 posts

I re-start Mars Core by smashing Ceres into it.
Now mars is tectonicly active and mount Olympus will erupt

Science Pwns

4,049 posts

I do a major Plan that has a high risk to fail but it just might work.
I make a small robot that can transit what i am talking.Then i send it to the Martians.Then i start talking to them like this "Dear Martians.
We Humans do not like War.We just need this planet because our world is gaining to much pollution and other bad stuff.If we could just make a peace treat where we can help each other fight other aliens that threaten us.You could also test humans while we test you.This way science can go much faster and better.We could each share a piece of the planet.You take half of Earth while we talk half of Mars.Me,Tom Razer Am not lieing to you Martians whats so over.I dont want to kill No More.......Never......"

137 posts

Relizing the situation is dire and the humans of mars are doomed, i spend all my recources and workers on creating an ultimate weapon, a doomsday device. I launch this high tech bomb/spaceship into orbit and threaten to destroy the martians, (If the threaten me) or the earth, (If they dont stop attacks and come join the traitors on mars)

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