ForumsThe TavernName Anagrams!

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1,416 posts

An anagram is a word created by rearranging the letters in another word. They can be fun, especially when applied to names.

For example, my name (in real life) is an anagram of "A Learned Worm", which I find quite fitting. My AG name is an anagram of Darken and Ark End.

So, I thought, wouldn't it be nice if we had a thread where we post ORIGINAL* (that means your own creations) anagrams, preferably of names?

Of course, if you're posting an anagram of your real name, don't actually post your name, because people on the internet are trying to kill you and whatnot. Better yet, just anagram-ize your AG screen name.

A useful tool:
Anagram Generator

Also, you can come up with anagrams for famous people.

Anthony Burgess = Nearby Gunshots

Have fun!

*Please don't spam this thread with lists of bad anagrams, or famous anagrams that anyone can find on the internet.

  • 51 Replies
731 posts


seems like I say no a lot, here is some of my real name ones
Fatnesses Jot Mr No

well, i didnt like the others, so I put a ton of filters on these
Freeman Jots Snots
Freemans so jams on tnt

I like freeman, lol
Anyways, my username ones are like freezing my computer, there is so many, i guess, so when it loads i might come back...

1,868 posts

I have typed Pedro in the search and there were not so many results:
Ed Pro
Red Op
Do Rep
Do Per
Pod Re

If I type Peter I have this:
Pet Re

But if I type Peter Griffin I have 455 results. Here are some:
Petering Riff
Peter Riffing
Peter Griffin
Reffing Tripe
Fingertip Ref
Fee Frig Print
Prefer Fig Tin
Prefer Fig Nit
Prefer Gift In
Prefer If Ting
Prefer Fit Gin
Free Fig Print
Free Frig Pint
Free Fin Gript
Free Rift Ping
Reef Fig Print
Reef Frig Pint
Reef Fin Gript
Reef Rift Ping
Refer Fig Pint
Refer Gift Nip
Refer Gift Pin
Refer Fit Ping
Freer Fig Pint
Freer Gift Nip

1,930 posts

Straw Warts backwards is Straw Warts. I have come up with that since 4th grade.

731 posts

Racecar backwards is racecar. But i think this is more for the name, not random objects, i think, im not sure...

239 posts

I typed my username "ArmorL3gend" and 157 results came:

Glared Morn
Glared Norm
Marred Long
Grand Morel
Lard Monger
Ramrod Glen
Dram Longer
Rad Mongrel
Angler Dorm
Manger Lord
Engram Lord
Garner Mold
Ranger Mold
Glamor Nerd
Glamor Rend
Rang Molder
Rang Remold
Ad Germ Lorn
Glade Mr Nor
Angled Mr Or
Dangle Mr Or
Glared Mr On
Glared Mr No
Gad Rem Lorn
Glad Rem Nor
Glad Re Morn
Glad Re Norm
Gland Rem Or
Gland Err Om
Grand Elm Or
Grand Rem Lo
Grad Elm Nor
Grad Me Lorn
Grad Em Lorn
Drag Elm Nor
Drag Me Lorn
Drag Em Lorn
Lad Germ Nor
Lad Erg Morn
Lad Erg Norm
Land Germ Or
Lard Gem Nor
Lard Germ On
Lard Germ No
Dam Erg Lorn
Dam Err Long
Mad Erg Lorn
Mad Err Long
**** Err Log
Dram Leg Nor
Dram Gel Nor
Dram Glen Or
Dram Re Long
Darn Germ Lo
Darn Rem Log
Rand Germ Lo
Rand Rem Log
Rad Leg Morn
Rad Leg Norm
Rad Gel Morn
Rad Gel Norm
Rad Gem Lorn
Rad Rem Long
Lag Red Morn
Lag Red Norm
Gal Red Morn
Gal Red Norm
Gnarl Red Om
Gnarl Mod Re
Gnarl Do Rem
Gnarl Rod Me
Gnarl Rod Em
Mag Red Lorn
Gram Ed Lorn
Gram Led Nor
Gram Lend Or
Gram Nerd Lo
Gram Rend Lo
Gram Lord En
Nag Mold Err
Nag Lord Rem
Rang Meld Or
Rang Mold Re
Rang Old Rem
Rang Lord Me
Rang Lord Em
Rang Rod Elm
Rag Led Morn
Rag Led Norm
Rag Meld Nor
Rag Lord Men
Gar Led Morn
Gar Led Norm
Gar Meld Nor
Gar Lord Men
Lam Dong Err
Marl Nerd Go
Marl Rend Go
Marl Dong Re
Marl Nod Erg
Marl Don Erg
Man Gold Err
Man Lord Erg
Arm Geld Nor
Arm Nerd Log
Arm Rend Log
Arm Red Long
Arm Rod Glen
Ram Geld Nor
Ram Nerd Log
Ram Rend Log
Ram Red Long
Ram Rod Glen
Mar Geld Nor
Mar Nerd Log
Mar Rend Log
Mar Red Long
Mar Rod Glen
An Lord Germ
Ran Gold Rem
Ran Mold Erg
Ran Old Germ
Ran Lord Gem
Ran Dorm Leg
Ran Dorm Gel
A Geld Mr Nor
Ad Leg Mr Nor
Ad Gel Mr Nor
Ad Glen Mr Or
Glad En Mr Or
Glad Re Mr On
Glad Re Mr No
Lad Erg Mr On
Lad Erg Mr No
And Leg Mr Or
And Gel Mr Or
Rad Leg Mr On
Rad Leg Mr No
Rad Gel Mr On
Rad Gel Mr No
Lag Ed Mr Nor
Lag Den Mr Or
Lag End Mr Or
Lag Red Mr On
Lag Red Mr No
Gal Ed Mr Nor
Gal Den Mr Or
Gal End Mr Or
Gal Red Mr On
Gal Red Mr No
Nag Led Mr Or
Rag Led Mr On
Rag Led Mr No
Gar Led Mr On
Gar Led Mr No
An Geld Mr Or

1 posts

I typed my username "STARKADAMS" and 200 results came the Anagram username generator is awesome some of the interesting Anagrams are given below :


Showing 46-51 of 51