I have returned from my dead status!!!!!!!!!! I was on the dead status because my cousin came from Germany and he has a tons of games so i played games with him a lot! Anyways lets return to the game. In this RPG you are in college.Your main objective is to graduate while also doing side objectives like getting a girlfriend/boyfriend,make friends,go on partys and other. Your a freshman in this college with average skills but you can learn other skills from college fraternity's and other. You can meet other players because you all go in the same college.
This is the sheet:
Name: Age:18(Must be 18) Gender: Health:100/100 Level:1 Exp:0/15 Fraternity:None Money:50$ Job:None Items:None Partner:None(This is boyfriend/girlfriend) Friends:None Popularity:1(Only 1 because you are freshman) Sport:None(You can be in a sport later) Description: Bio: Karma:Neutral ------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill Points:30 Skills: StrengthHow strong you are) IntelligenceHow smart you are) CharismaHow friendly and nice you are) AppearanceHow good-looking you are) PerkYou create 2 perks.Must be accepted)
Max 5 Players.
You gain levels by making friends,How many money you have,how popular you are and other. After each 3 levels you can create another perk.
When you are 24 years old you will graduate. You can fail graduation and then lose the whole game. Then you must start over with another character or with the same sheet but all your stuff,skills and everything will be back to normal. If you graduate you will win the game. You can play again with another character or with the same character as you will be playing but all your stuff and everything will be lost but there is a good thing.You gain an extra 5 skill points and 3 items at the beggining which will help you.
Name: Paul Sorgi Age:18 Gender: Male Health:100/100 Level:1 Exp:0/15 Fraternity:None Money:50$ Job:None Items:None Partner:None Friends:None Popularity:1 Sport:None Description: Has dark green liberty spikes. Dresses punk rock. Medium height. Loud and always in a good mood. Bio: Was born in Philadelphia. I have always been going to concerts and love music and skateboarding. I am in a rock band and I have mad drumming skills. I love to party. Karma:Neutral ------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill Points:0 Skills: Strength: 7 Intelligence: 3 Charisma: 11 Appearance: 9 Perk: Drummer Boy(Ladies are attracted to my drumming skills) Can't miss me(people are more likely to notice me because of my hair) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Study: Geography, Percussion, History, Music Classes: Geography Class(Lean basic Geography) Map Class(Learn about the geography map) Percussion Class History Class Field Class Music Class Singing Class
I punch the one guy in the gut and shove the other guy into the wall and punch him in the nose.
Name: Vlad Zladivosky Age:18(Must be 18) Gender: Male Health:100/100 Level:2 Exp:0/50 Fraternity:None Money:35$ Job:None Items:None Partner:None(This is boyfriend/girlfriend) Friends:4 Popularity:10 Sport:None(You can be in a sport later) Description: 1,85 m Tall, Intimidating Bio: Romanian Student who went to a College in the USA. Karma:Neutral ------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill Points:0 Skills: Strength: 10 Intelligence: 10 Charisma: 10 Appearance: 10 Perks: Charmer, Hard Worker -------------------------------------------------------------------- StudyHistory, Biology, Geography, Mathematics) Classes: History Class(Learns basic History) Grade: A Field Class(You go in an acient place of the city to discover stuff) Frog Class(Cutting up frogs to examine them) Biology class(Learns basic biology) Grade: B Geography Class(Learns basic geography) Grade:A Map Class(You study on the map) Mathematic Class(Learns basic mathematic) Grade: B Einstein Class(Learns New stuff of Mathemtic)
Peak out to see teh enemies while my teammate watches our backs.
Name: Charles Lancaster Age: 18 Gender: Male Health: 100/100 Level:1 Exp: 2/15 Fraternity:None Money:50$ Job:None Items:None Partner:None Friends:None Popularity:2 Sport:None Description: Tall, brown eyes, dark brown hair in a buzz cut, and healthy-looking(white teeth, tan, etc). Bio: Had always wanted to be a scientist, and after receiving a microscope for his tenth birthday, his natural curiosity prodded him to explore. As a kid, he was constantly performing experiments on his own, and found himself fascinated by the tiny microorganisms. He decided that he wanted to go to college to study microbiology and become a scientist in the field of cellular microbiology, to learn as much as possible. Karma:Neutral ------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill Points:30 Skills: Strength: 8 Intelligence: 8 Charisma: 7 Appearance: 8 Perk: Diligent[learns much faster, studying and all-nighters are way easier], Athletic[is in good shape, therefore more skilled in all sports, very rarely gets sick, and is better looking]. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Study: Cellular Microbiology. Classes: Cell Biology(Learn about cells) Microbiology(Learn about very small organisms)
A.Tell the hillbilly nicly to take a bath and give him some money to buy clothes and tell him to get a job. Then off to the gym for a while.