Introduction You are in prison for few crimes committed against the law. You can't take it anymore and it's time to get out of here!
Rules You must tell what do you do in your post with one or two sentences, you may also use three, but I don't want huge texts. All your posts must be possible.
Other On every of your posts I will make reply, telling you if it was success, or someone's coming, or someone called you etc.
Tangramfool, u can't decide "suddenly etc.". In exchange of "lockpill fell" u can say "I check his pocket to find something useful". Then I will tell you the outcome. Plus u can't just pull a loose brick. It's a prison, the walls are so big, fat, tough, and reinforced.
Razerules The weights are all instantly caught by some black muscular guys. What now?
Tangramfool You threw the pebble and he's bleeding hard. But the cops eventually saw you. They are coming for you. What do you do? Razerules U go jog a bit but some cop yells "EVERYONE INSIDE!" You ask yourself why is the pause time only 5 minutes. When going inside, what do you do? Denchot You are in Cell 14, with no cellmate. You don't have any friends in the prison now. It's launch time, you go to the Cafeteria, then what do you do?
Denchot You attempt to get a Fork, but recently there has been a massive stealing on the items from the Cafeteria, and now guards check every prisoner that leaves the Cafeteria. Launch time almost ends...what do you do? Steve You are in Cell 13, ring along a new prisoner too, named Denchot, who is in Cell 14. Neither you have a cellmate. Then its pause time, going outside for 1 hour. What do you do now?