The year is 2012, while in the local super market you hear screaming up at the counter. To your immediate horror, you smell the rotten stench of the dead and realize that a zombie apocalypse that so many books and movies had predicted has now occurred. Will you survive? Is it even possible to survive? It is time to put all your skills to the test.... This is a collaboration game for the most part (your working as a team) however there's something else you should know, players who are killed become "Zombies" and must then attempt to kill off alive players, beware for the smart zombies that might be out to get you.
Players can join at any time, follow the rules of RP game, "I Attempt" should always be before just bout anything you say.
Character sheet--------------- Name: (No more then 2 words) Class: (see below) Pick the character that represents you best
Police Officer: +2 Power +2 Leadership. Special Skill: "Crime Trained" +25% combat bonus when in combat with a smart zombie. Begins with 10 Health
Programmer: +2 Brains +2 Planning. Special Skill: "Quick Thinking" This skill can be used right after A player attempts an event to increase the chance of success by 15%. Begins with 11 Health
Taxi Driver: +2 Navigation +2 Planning. Special Skill: "Direction" When this skill is used, you will immediately begin going towards another target player (No matter how far). Begins with 7 Health
Convict: +3 Power +1 Survival. Special Skill: "Brutal" You may take 3 health damage to gain 1 point in any chosen skill at any time. Begins with 8 health
Doctor: +2 Brain +1 Survival +1 Leadership. Special Skill: "Care" Target any other player in the game, they recover all missing health. This skill requires a medication kit, you begin with 3 medication kits (these are recorded in the misc. section of your sheet). Begins with 5 Health
Soldier: +3 Power +1 Planning. Special Skill: "Military Training" passively gives you a 5% combat and event passing bonus. Begins with 9 Health
Priest: +1 Brain +1 Navigation +2 Leadership. Special Skill: "Holy" passively gives you a 15% event passing bonus. Begins with 6 Health Mailman: +3 Navigation +1 Power. Special Skill: "Berserk" when down to 1 health, has a 90% chance of passing everything (all other bonuses are not taken account for). Begins with 7 Health
Teenager: +2 Survival +1 Brain +1 Power. Special Skill: "Head Strong" When you have more then 3 health, gives you a 40% event passing bonus. Begins with 4 Health
Professor: +2 Brains +2 Leadership. Special Skill: "Educate" By paying 2 health, you may increase the brain attribute of a chosen player (not you) by 1. Begins with 7 Health
Lawyer: +3 Planning +1 Survival. Special Skill: "The Law" Lawyer gains 1 power point for every 3 "Police" players alive in the game, and 1 brains point for every 3 "Convict" players alive in the game. Begins with 5 health
Hobo: +4 Survival. Special Skill: "Friendly" Pass a 50% chance difficulty event test, if it succeeds, heal a player 5 health, if it fails, Hobo takes 1 damage. Begins with 4 Health
Smart Zombie (Only an option for players who were killed) +2 Power. Special Skill "Dead Army" You are now only threatened by surviving humans and so therefor must kill them. If you die again in this form somehow you are officially eliminated from the game
Sex: (Male or Female) Title: (See Attributes in depth "Leadership" below) Level: (Every time you pass a battle or event you gain 1 xp, every 3 xp you level up, allowing you to discharge 2 stat points into your character) You begin at level 1 Health: (Your class info gives you what stats to put here and below) Power: Brains: Plaining: Survival: Navigation: Leadership: Weapon: (You begin with none, you might find one if you get lucky) Armor: (You begin with none, you might find some if you get lucky) Misc: (Other items go here, doctors also use this to keep track of kits)
Simply post all this up and your game will begin, but first.....
Attributes In Depth-------------
Health: When this number reaches 0 you die. 1st time means zombie time, 2nd time means kicked out of the game time
Power: Power is useful for increasing your chances at being successful in battle. For every point spent in Power, your battle percentage goes up by 1, making it more difficult for you to be defeated. In addition players may not wield a weapon until there power is at "2" or more.
Brains: Brains helps you activate different things dependent on the level of this attribute 2= Picklock (You may open locked doors, busting open a door would normally cost health) 4= Light Controls (You may alter the light setting in a room as long as your not outside (might fighting in the dark give you an edge?) 5= Quick Learner (You may wield weapons) 6= Hacking (You may sabotage any computer software, dismantle any bombs or dismantle any security) 7= Weapon Construct (You may build a weapon for you or other players depending on what materials you might have or find around you) 15= ??? ???? (What could this ever be!)
Planning: Planning is useful for increasing your chances at being successful at an event. For every point spent in Planning, your event percentage goes up by 1, making it more difficult for you to be defeated.
Survival: Survival helps you activate different things dependent on the level of this attribute 1= Sleep (If you have lower then 3 health, you may use this move to recover 3 health) 3= Anger (Increases the percentage you have at winning an event or battle passively equal to half of your current health) 6= Assist (Post up a friendly player requesting an event or a battle to occur to help them in battle (so 2 on 1 so to speak) 8= CPR (Brings a dead player back to life with 2 health, does not work on players who have already committed to being a zombie) 10= Armor Construct (You may build armor for you or other players depending on what materials you might have or find around you)
Navigation: Player with navigation are allowed to ask there senses (me) questions that could be super helpful that other players would normally take much longer to get there hands on 1= Whats is the name questions (Hey Senses, What is the name of this grocery store?) 4= Were can we find Med kits? (I will give you closest ones) 5= Were can we find Weapons? (I will give you closest ones) 6= Were can we find Armor? (I will give you closest ones) 7= What would you do in my place? (I will give you best answer) 8= Reveal to me the name of the final Brains skill
Leadership: This stat determines your social rank among the players in this game. In other words your title. Your title is determined completely on your leadership level. Take note, when you reach a new rank your previous rank's stats are discarded 2= Organizer (Plus 1 health point to your stats) 4= In Charge (Plus 3 health points, plus 1 power and planning if your the highest ranked player playing in the game) 6= Leader (Plus 4 health points, Plus 2 power and planning if your the highest ranked player in the game) 9= Savior (Plus 5 Health points, Plus 2 to all stats)
Combat and Events----------------
Combat: Lets say you are faced with 2 zombies, there combines percentage gives you a 65% battle chance and they have 3 combines health, however you have invested points in the power stat (lets say 3) and have a hand riffle (boosting your power by 5) this in total (8) increases your battle chance up to 73%. I will now use a random generator to calculate. Each time you have a 73% chance to deal 1 damage to the zombies, and a 27% chance to take damage.
Events: Events work the exact same was as combat does, however events are no surprise, before attempting something notably dangerous (ak going outside of the supermarket naked) you should ask first for an event of that activity, I will then respond saying "You have a 98% chance of a negative outcome occurring" It is then up to you if your willing to take the chance, this game is all about taking chances at the right time. Make events easier on yourself by upgrading the planning skill
Leveling up: Upon completing 3 events or combats (in any order or fashion) you may level up 2 of your stats (Including max health points), or the same stat twice. You also recover 5 lost health point each time you level.
Final Notes------------------
There is no easy way out in this game, its not going to be easy. And the more you wait the harder it will become. Players who are inactive for too long will be reported missing and considered dead.
Winning the Game-
Way 1 "??? ????"- I will not spoil this ending
Way 2 "End of humanity- All smart zombies win, humans are exterminated
Loosing the Game-
Way 1- of course if the smart zombies kill all the humans then its over
Way 2 "No survivors" if somehow there are no survivors left in the game, (smart zombies and humans alike) then everyone looses
(Result= "91" A positive outcome has occurred) You smash the door open using a long lost skill you learned in the army, and break the door with no problem at all. there's a staircase curving into two direction, right and left
"**** it Stalin, what have you done!?. Now all zombies now were we are..... The only way out is the window. Maybe if you hang from the window I can go down and help you land, however that would be risky, but its either that or a shop full of zombies...."
You find yourself in a small underground basement, there seems to be boxes full of supplies down here, how fortunate this must be were they keep all the stuff for the store
You exit the tank. The entrance of the supermarket is infested with zombies, however you notice an alive human running down a staircase to your right. Farther to your right theres an ally way. There a whole lot of zombies everywere
Once again, I have a new increadible RPG that is going to be awesome Pyrite Mirrors Join up if your not afraid of unthinkable evils