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Protectors vs Dark Warriors RPG

The world was peaceful, there was no need for war. Until one day, the sky turned pitch black and the animals went berserk. A dark figure appeared on the horizon and unleashed a storm of black fire. The citizens retreated underground and soon began to live there. The unfortunate ones who had not escaped the black fire, were living as sad workers and prisoners. The remaining citizens trained and built cities in disguise, hoping to soon take revenge and stop the dark being. As well as take their city back.

Character Sheet
Hunger: Not hungry
Thirst: Not thirsty
Tiredness: Okay
Background: (Write a simple, short story telling about your character)
Class: Citizen
Level 1
Experience: 0/10
Hat/Shoes/Accessories: Green Scarf, Black Boots
Top/Bottom/Overall: Brown Leather Coat, Blue Pants
Skills: N/A
Inventory: Filled Water Bottle (2), Bread (5), Dull Knife
Allies: N/A
Guild/Group: N/A
Mount: N/A
Money: $20

Hunger, Thirst, Tiredness
These things, you have to maintain to stay healthy.

Hunger - Eat food to replenish hunger. Eating too much food or moldy/dirty food can give diseases! If you get too hungry or become starved, you may lose health/energy over time.

Thirst - Drink liquids or water to replenish thirst. Drinking too much water or dirty water can give diseases! If you get too thirsty, you may lose health/energy over time.

Tiredness - Resting or sleeping can replenish energy and you won't be too tired. Sleeping too much can lose you health/energy! If you get too sleepy, you may lose health/energy over time.

Allies. You should probably know what they are. Allies can help during battle or travel along with you.

Guilds, or groups. You can create or join one. Creating one usually needs requirements and costs money. Joining one usually needs you to meet requirements or pay in.

Mounts are sometimes helpful. Usually during traveling, you lose less tiredness while on a mount. Mounts usually need you to meet requirements. If you're going to pay for one, you'd need plenty of cash.

Health and Energy
Health is exactly what it says. If you lose too much health or all of it, you can lose tiredness or die. Eating, drinking, or resting/sleeping can replenish health.

Energy is used for activating skills. If your energy gets too low, you may drink potions or use herbs and such to replenish it.

Class and Skills
Here are the classes and their skills in case you want to know in advance.

1st Rank (Magician) Level 10-30

Magic Bolt: Use energy to create a ball of magic to attack a single enemy. -20 Energy, Earned at level 10

Energy Recovery: Use small amounts of health to replace it with energy. -10 Health +20 Energy, Earned at level 15

Magic Defense: Use energy to temporarily drain energy when hit instead of health. -10 Energy, Earned at level 20

2nd Rank (Fire/Poison/Wind Magician, Ice/Lightning/Water Magician, Dark Magician) Level 30-70

Fire/Poison/Wind Magician

Fire Arrow: Use energy to create an arrow of fire element to fire at enemies. Extra effective on ice monsters. -25 Energy, Earned at level 30

Poison Ball: Use energy to create a poison ball, if thrown at enemies they have a chance to be poisoned. -30 Energy, Earned at level 40

Wind Push: Use energy to create strong winds to push away enemies. -40 Energy, Earned at level 50

Teleport: Use energy to teleport short distances. -60 Energy, Earned at level 60

Ice/Lightning/Water Magician

Lightning Strike: Use energy to strike enemies around you with lightning. -30 Energy, Earned at level 30

Ice Strike: Use energy to strike enemies with ice with a chance of freeze. -40 Energy, Earned at level 40

Water Bubble: Use energy to set up a strong bubble of water to protect you from attacks temporarily. -45 Energy, Earned at level 50

Teleport: Use energy to teleport short distances. -60 Energy, Earned at level 60

Dark Magician

Dark Chain: Use energy to create a magical chain to bring enemies up close. -30 Energy, Earned at level 30

Dark Strike: Use energy to strike enemies with element of darkness. -35 Energy, Earned at level 40

Speed Energy: Use energy to temporarily boost speed. -30 Energy, Earned at level 50

Teleport: Use energy to teleport short distances. -60 Energy, Earned at level 60

3rd Rank (Fire/Poison/Wind Wizard, Ice/Lightning/Water Wizard, Dark Wizard) Level 70-120

Fire/Poison/Wind Wizard

Fiery Poison Strike: Use energy to mix fire and poison to strike enemies. Has a chance to burn or poison enemies. -50 Energy, Earned at level 70

Fire Explosion: Use energy to explode enemies around you. -60 Energy, Earned at level 80

Poison Cloud: Use energy to create a poisonous cloud, has a chance to poison enemies around it. -65 Energy, Earned at level 100

Wind Wave: Use energy to create a strong wave of wind, capable of pushing away enemies even further. -80 Energy, Earned at level 110

Ice/Lightning/Water Wizard

Frozen Electric Strike: Use energy to mix Ice and Lightning to strike an enemy. -35 Energy, Earned at level 70

Frost Bite: Use energy to create a blast of freezing ice, with a chance of freezing and draining health from enemies. -45 Energy, Earned at level 80

Lightning Spear: Use energy to create a spear of lightning to be thrown at enemies. -60 Energy, Earned at level 100

Flood Waters: Use energy to create a medium sized flood to wash away enemies. -75 Energy, Earned at level 110

Dark Wizard

Death Blow: Use energy to finish off an enemy, can only be used if enemies health is under 20%. -40 Energy, Earned at level 70

Dark Followers: Use energy to summon up to 3 dark minions to aid you in battle. -55 Energy, Earned at level 80

Sacrifice: Sacrifice energy for health. Earned at level 100

Dark Defenses: Use energy to temporarily boost defense against darkness element attacks. -75 Energy, Earned at level 110

4th Rank (Fire/Poison/Wind Master Wizard, Ice/Lightning/Water Master Wizard, Dark Master Wizard) Level 120+

Fire/Poison/Wind Master Wizard

Poison Vacuum: Use energy to suck in enemies around you, draining their health while inside. -50 Energy, Earned at level 120

Fire Smash: Use energy to smash all enemies around you with fire rocks. -75 Energy, Earned at level 130

Tornado: Use energy to create a tornado to blow away and crush all enemies around you. -90 Energy, Earned at level 140

Fire Demon: Use energy to temporarily summon a fire demon to aid you in battle. -100 Energy, Earned at level 150

Meteor Shower: Use energy to create a meteor shower. -200 Energy, Earned at level 200

Ice/Lightning/Water Master Wizard

Shock: Use energy to shock enemies around you, draining their health. -50 Energy, Earned at level 120

Frozen: Use energy to permanently freeze a single enemy. -75 Energy, Earned at level 130

Hurricane: Use energy to form a hurricane. -95 Energy, Earned at level 150

Ice Age: Use energy to permanently freeze and destroy all enemies around you. -200 energy, Earned at level 200

Dark Master Wizard

Dark Slash: Use energy to repeatedly slash enemies around you for a short period of time. -50 Energy, Earned at level 120

Undead: Use energy to temporarily turn yourself undead, causing you to not lose health. -75 Energy, Earned at level 130

Dark Shield: Use energy to temporarily set up a dark shield, preventing you from harm from physical attacks. -90 Energy, Earned at level 140

Reaper: Summons the grim reaper to aid you in battle. -110 Energy, Earned at level 150

Hellish Nightmare: Use energy to unleash all darkness onto the battlefield. -200 Energy, Earned at level 200

1st Rank Wild Animal

Beastly Jump: Use energy to jump further than usual -10 Energy, Earned at level 10

Triple Slash: Use energy to slash an enemy three times. -20 Energy, Earned at level 20

2nd Rank Wild Hunter

Roar: Use energy to roar across the field. -25 Energy, Earned at level 30

Wild Instincts: Use energy to temporarily quicken speed and boost power slightly. -30 Energy, Earned at level 40

Pouncing Strike: Use energy to pounce up into the air to land on enemies. -35 Energy, Earned at level 50

Wild Rush: Use energy to quickly rush towards an enemy to push them back. -40 Energy, Earned at level 60

3rd Rank Wild Creature

Claw Fury: Use energy to swipe your claws at an enemy four times. -50 Energy, Earned at level 70

Slash Rush: Use energy to rush through enemies, slashing them. -60 Energy, Earned at level 80

Spike Trap: Set up a trap for enemies to get stuck in. -80 Energy, Earned at level 100

Allied Wolf: Summon a wild wolf to aid you in battle. -95 Energy, Earned at level 110

4th Rank Wild Beast

Slashing Barrage: Use energy to slash an enemy 6 times rapidly. -110 Energy, Earned at level 120

Intimidate: When encountering enemies, there is a chance of lowering their attack power and defense. Earned at level 130

Amazon Eyes: Permanently boosts eyesight to see further away. Earned at level 140

Sonic Rush: Rush through enemies at supersonic speed, tearing through their flesh. -135 Energy, Earned at level 150

Demon Beast: Temporarily transform into a beast demon, boosting attack power, speed, defense, etc. -150 Energy, Earned at level 200

1st Rank Bot

Blade Hands: Transform your hands into blades to attack enemies. -10 Energy, Earned at level 10

Flamethrower: Unleash flames from your hands. -15 Energy, Earned at level 15

Gatling Gun: Transform your arms into mini gatling guns to shoot an enemy 4 times. -20 Energy, Earned at level 20

Metal Armor: Temporarily boosts defense greatly. -25 Energy, Earned at level 25

2nd Rank Prototype

Heavy Flamethrower: Unleash larger flames that can melt even steel. -35 Energy, Earned at level 30

Heavy Gatling Gun: Transform your arms into larger gatling guns which now fire eight bullets. -40 Energy, Earned at level 40

Jet Pack: Use a built-in jet pack to fly around for a short period of time. -60 Energy, Earned at level 50

Atomic Hammer: Use a built-in hammer to smash enemies. Smashing around them may send them flying into the air. -60 Energy, Earned at level 60

3rd Rank Droid

Electric Field: Set up electrical wires to shock enemies when close to it. -75 Energy, Earned at level 70

Medical Bot: Summon a medical bot to heal you and your allies. -80 Energy, Earned at level 80

Rocket Punch: Transforms your fist into a giant one, then fires it at enemies. -90 Energy, Earned at level 90

Bot Group: Set up a few small bots to fight along side with you. -95 Energy, Earned at level 100

Tank: Transform into a large tank for 5 seconds which rapidly fires small missiles. -110 Energy, Earned at level 110

4th Rank Android

Extreme Heavy Armor: Temporarily boosts armor to the extremes. -120 Energy, Earned at level 120

Laser: Fire a large laser beam to obliterate large groups of enemies. -130 Energy, Earned at level 130

Bot Army: Summon a large army of small bots to help during battle. -140 Energy, Earned at level 140

War Tank: Transform into a giant tank which rapidly fires large missiles. It isn't permanent but you are unable to move during this transformation. -150 Energy, Earned at level 150

Giant Mech: Transform into a humongous robot mech for a few seconds to destroy everything with lasers. -220 Energy, Earned at level 200

Dying doesn't make you restart the game, though it does reduce your experience and make you lose several items. It also reduces hunger and thirst greatly.

Sorry if you think one class is much more powerful than the other. I took around an hour and a half just doing this. I was in a rush. Hope you like this. I would like three people only please. ~WorstSniper

  • 3 Replies
5,340 posts

Name: blue wings
Hunger: Not hungry
Thirst: Not thirsty
Tiredness: Okay
Background: was always misunderstood for some reason. although quiet and shy he is very nice. now looking for people that will eccept him as a person.
Class: magician
Level 1
Experience: 0/10
Hat/Shoes/Accessories: Green Scarf, Black Boots
Top/Bottom/Overall: Brown Leather Coat, Blue Pants
Skills: N/A
Inventory: Filled Water Bottle (2), Bread (5), Dull Knife
Allies: N/A
Guild/Group: N/A
Mount: N/A
Money: $20

this sounds alittle too complicated for me but ill give it a try. io hope this is ok

1,467 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Hunger: Not hungry
Thirst: Not thirsty
Tiredness: Okay
Background: Was always misunderstood for some reason. Although quiet and shy he is very nice. Now looking for people that will accept him as a person.
Class: Citizen
Level 1
Experience: 0/10
Hat/Shoes/Accessories: Green Scarf, Black Boots
Top/Bottom/Overall: Brown Leather Coat, Blue Pants
Skills: N/A
Inventory: Filled Water Bottle (2), Bread (5), Dull Knife
Allies: N/A
Guild/Group: N/A
Mount: N/A
Money: $20

(Sorry if you misunderstood, but you can become what you want to be once you reach level 10 or so. Fixed up your sheet by the way.)

You stretch out your arms, as you wake up from a sleep. You look at your dirty bed, the torn sheets. The sight discourages you, but you soon walk outside your underground hut. Walking around the underground town, you are wondering where to go. There is the Protectors Training Center, a Weapon Shop, a Potion and Food Shop, a Crafting Center, a Mail Center, and a few small houses. You think about where to go.

113 posts

Name: Dreezy
Health: 10/10
Energy: 10/10
Hunger: Not hungry
Thirst: Not thirsty
Tiredness: Okay
Background: Abandoned as a child, raised by a brother until the age of 12.
Class: Citizen
Level 1
Experience: 0/10
Hat/Shoes/Accessories: Green Scarf, Black Boots
Top/Bottom/Overall: Brown Leather Coat, Blue Pants
Skills: N/A
Inventory: Filled Water Bottle (2), Bread (5), Dull Knife
Allies: N/A
Guild/Group: N/A
Mount: N/A
Money: $20

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