So this is the place where one can post a challenge (something someone must do or not do which may or may not be difficult or unusual)and talk about completing or trying to complete said challenges. Rules for posting a challenge 1. Nothing that can cause harm to anyones health. (example of what I mean: trip someone) 2. Nothing illegal:this can be somewhat debatable because there are different laws everywhere (example: smoke marijuana) 3. Nothing that takes more then 24 hours (hence the name, daily challenge(s))(example:go on a road trip from California to Florida) 4. Nothing stupid or impossible (example:stand still for 24 hours) 5. Anyone can post any challenge at any time, but no one is obligated to complete said challenges 6. (optional rule: you do not have to follow this rule) do not make challenges which can only be done in certain places (examples: climb up a palm tree, or shovel some snow)
Hopefully I have made this clear. If there are any questions please ask.
An example of a good challenge would be: Drink water instead of soda for a day, or do not drink tea today (Yes I am thirsty right now that is why these examples deal with drinks but other types of challenges that follow rules 1-5 are fine)
You can also make this into a game (somewhat) and keep track of how many challenges you have completed. (however there is no way to proove/disproove if you have done challenges
My challenge: Go to sleep before 10:00 pm (22:00) (if it is past that time for you then you can try this simple challenge tomorrow, if you do not like this challenge then you can post your own challenge for yourself and others to complete) Thank You and Have a Nice Day