there is one cave, near a village(fantsy/mideval times)that has rumored to be filled with richs beyound your wildest dreams, at the 101 first floor(you go down in the cave, so 101 is the bottom)the treasure awaits, or does it?
your a adventurer ready to claim those richs!but you must make it down there first, many challanges await, monsters, puzzels, and others wishing to get this caves treasure.
you have 100 gold coins and need to buy supplies befor ventureing down
char. sheet
Namefirst and last) Classmage, warrior or rouge) Gold:100 Inventory: Armor: Weapons: Lowest floor found: Last checkpoint: XP: Level: Hp: Attack:
Mage:the generic magic useing class, starts with red robes and wooden staff
Warrior:the generic heavy-medium weapons weilding class,starts with stone sword and padded clothes
Rouge:the generic dagger-small weapons weilding class, starts with stone dagger and black clothes
note:you get XP for killing and advanceing floors noten every 5 floors there is a mini boss and a teleporter that takes you back to the cave entrance note:every 10 floors there is a boss and a shop and a teleporter note:every 15 floors there is a check point to go instantly to, from the surface note:every 5 levels your class branches and you chose how to advance it note:game would be like this: player:i buy the stone shield and potion *in cave*player:i go down the left path and crouch down so no monsters see me
sorry for the big block of text, i just hope this game works
you leave tallow alone to defeat the hand and he then cant enter floor 4? how selfish
you jump after him and your on a platform suspended over a black acidic liquid and the plat form is held up by chains of bones, the necromancer turns to you and smiles.....necromancer:hello young mage, you aboanded your friend? how heartless.......prove your worth and fight me(nercomancer has 20 health and does 5 damage per strike)
Name: Talow Kingy Class: Fire Mage Gold:150 Inventory: Armor: red robes, leather armor(+2) Weapons: wooden staffW/fire crystel(+3), stone mace(+1) Lowest floor found: Last checkpoint: XP:75 Level:2 Hp:5 Attack:7(+4 from crystel)(+1 form mace)
i learned to think on the fly. now then, on to level 4. (besides, it's how i get most of my loopholes for the forum games. but it's much better for making clever tricks for RPGs, like this one.)
Name: Talow Kingy Class: Fire Mage Gold:150 Inventory: Armor: red robes, leather armor(+2) Weapons: wooden staffW/fire crystel(+3), stone mace(+1) Lowest floor found: Last checkpoint: XP:0 Level:3 Hp:6 Attack:8(+4 from crystel)(+1 form mace)
*level up*down to floor 4, there is a skeleton warrior(see picture)with 7 health and does3 damage per strike)(kill him to get to the hole) ___________________________________________________________
sorry, once you go down a hole, you cant go back up until you die or get to a teleporter, besides, a move like that needs you to be a pyromancer
the necro shoots a beam at you, instantly killing you...*hour later*you wake up in a open coffin with the front off necromancer:you are weak but i can make you strong! become my apprentice!(get necromancer class and become the apprentice?)
Name: Talow Kingy Class: Fire Mage Gold:150 Inventory: Armor: red robes, leather armor(+2) Weapons: wooden staffW/fire crystel(+3), stone mace(+1) Lowest floor found: Last checkpoint: XP:0 Level:3 Hp:4 Attack:8(+4 from crystel)(+1 form mace)
he blocks it with his shield and gives you a "oh no you didnt!"look and throws his shield at your arm cutting it(-2 of your health)he then charges towards you
necromancer:HA*you notice he took your weapons*you cant defeat me!very well, if you wish to join the undead then so be it!*the flesh on all of your right arm melts off leaveing a skeletol arm*HA! now, be gone*you teleport to entrance*