After much prompting, I've decided to put all of my shorts on one thread.I apologise if you've already read these. I promise that two more are in the works.For first time readers, enjoy!Strongbow
Thank you for your patience, while I found the time to transpose the rest of The Dead Next Door to this page.I hope you enjoy it!I have a few more stories that will eventually make their way here, including:All Deaths I Could Endure-True love knows no bounds, even if you lose a finger or two.Strange Meat-Fresh, filling and delicious. (Just don't ask where it came from.)Window to Eternia-A non-zombie tale of two worlds, a blessing or a curse, and for one woman, a choice that would change everything.Stay tuned, and until then, thank you again for reading!Strongbow <3
Everyone:It's been quite some time since I last submitted a story. My apologies. I will be submitting one shortly. Please stay tuned!
Awesome stories! More more!
Finding the time to submit more. Be patient please. Thank you for your support.
Wow! All I can say
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