Forums → Forum Games → The Fight for Survival {RPG}
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You are a citizen of Sentos City in the year 2618. You were living a happy life in the biggest and best city on Earth, but then Something went wrong. At the local SABW Lab, an experiment gone wrong caused a mutation to the scientists. Pretty soon, the city is quarantined and almost 30% of the population is mutated, more by the minute. Now you have only one goal: to survive.
You start out as a human, and try to survive as long as you can by leveling up and finding different items to help you. You can also work with or help other players, unless you just want to fight them for their items. Or you can just go solo. There are many different situations, so you should try to think outside the box as much as you can.
This game was inspired by ethekiller's "Zombie Apocalypse", therefore I will only take 80% credit.
Way 1: "Above them all" - By reaching level 31, you will become the "Undefeatable" class. You can learn about this class at the end of the rules.
Way 1: "Survival" - No Mutant players or CPUs remain in the game.
Way 2: "Battle of the gods" - All Human players are "Undefeatable" class.
Way 3: "??????" - You'll never guess.
Way 1: "Why still live?" - You die as a Mutant and don't choose to be revived.
Way 2: "Nooo! I've survived too long!" - You die as a Zombie Mutant.
Way 1: "Extermination" - No Humans remain for 5 days (Not counting "Undefeatables".
Way 2: "Total elimination" - No Human players or Mutant Players are alive for 5 days.
Way 3: "Hacker alert!" - All players of one side (or both) are banned from the game and/or AG
Way 4: "Boom" - A nuclear bomb falls and blows up everything.
Character Sheet:
Name: (No more than two words)
Allegiance: Humans (or Mutants if you have been killed)
Class: (Pick below)
Title: None
Level: 1
XP: 0/3
Health: (Matters on class)
Vitality: (Matters on class)
Power: (Matters on class)
Intelligence: (Matters on class)
Planning: (Matters on class)
Survival: (Matters on class)
Speed: (Matters on class)
Leadership: (Matters on class)
Engineering: (Matters on class)
Luck: (Matters on class)
Weapon: None
Attachments: None
Armor: None
Other Items: None
Humans: All players start as humans. Humans have a total of 5 Attribute points to start with. If you are a human, you must try to survive and destroy the mutant infection.
Mutants: A player becomes a mutant after being killed. Mutants start out with 10 Health, and also have 8 Attribute points to begin with. For every event passed, mutants lose 1 health because of toxic radiation, but this can be slowed down by certain items. although if they have 1 health, they will not die from radiation. To add to this, they don't have the Intelligence, Planning, Leadership, Engineering or Luck Attributes. They also can't have any Weapons, Attachments, or Armor. But a new type of item is introduced: Adaptions. These are basically the same as attachments, but they cannot be taken away or found. They are achieved through certain actions.
Soldier: +3 Power, +1 Survival, +1 Vitality. Skill: "Special training" - All equipped items give you twice as much Attribute Points as normal. Begins with 10 Health.
Mechanic: +4 Engineering, +1 Power. Skill: "Perfection" - You have an extra 15% event passing chance, and an extra 10% battle survival chance. Begins with 8 Health.
Programmer: +3 Intelligence, +2 Planning. Skill: "Research" - Every 3 events, you can ask me the best option for your situation. Begins with 6 Health.
Criminal: +3 Survival, +1 Speed, +1 Luck. Skill: "Born for survival" - You have an extra 15% event passing chance. Begins with 5/7 Health.
Businessman: +4 Intelligence, +1 Leadership. Skill: "Contact" - Every 5 events you may teleport to any player in the game. Begins with 6 Health.
Taxi Driver: +3 Speed, +1 Luck, +1 Survival. Skill: "Quick on your feet" - If you have 3 or less health, you have a 40% chance to flee in battle. Begins with 8 Health.
Builder: +2 Engineering, +2 Power, +1 Vitality. Skill: "Construct" - Mattering on the materials you have, you may build a weapon, attachment, armor, or item for you or another player. Begins with 9 Health.
Doctor: +3 Intelligence, + 1 Leadership, +1 Survival. Skill: "Cure" - Every 3 events, you may heal a close player (or yourself) for 3 points. Begins with 6 Health.
Priest: +4 Leadership, +1 Intelligence. Skill: "Holy light" - Every 3 events, you may heal all players of you allegiance in the game for 4 Points. Begins with 6 Health
Police Officer: +3 Leadership, +1 Power, +1 Planning. Skill: "Help the citizens" - Every 5 events you may give a close player 2 Attribute points. Begins with 9 Health
Boxer: +3 Power, +2 Vitality. Skill: "Never give up" - If you have 2 or less Health, you have an extra 20% in battle surviving chance and have an extra 15% event passing chance. Begins with 9 Health.
Bartender: +4 Luck, +1 Speed. Skill: "Drinks on the house" - Every 3 events you can give a close player a Healing Drink. Begins with 6 Health.
[i](Mutants-only a choice for players that have been killed)
Berserker: +5 Power, +2 Vitality, +1 Survival. Skill: "Rage" - If you have 3 or less health, your attack damage doubles and you deal no damage from toxic waste.
Sprinter: +5 Speed, +2 Survival, +1 Vitality. Skill: "Search and destroy" - Every 5 events, you may teleport close to any player in the game.
Death Bringer: +4 Vitality, +3 Power, +1 Survival. Skill: "Counterattack" - Whenever you lose 2 health in battle, your enemy loses 4.
Reaper: +3 Speed, +3 Power, +2 Survival. Skill: "Soul catcher" - Every human killed gives you +2 Vitality.
Vitality controls your health. For every two Vitality points, you gain 1 total health.
5-Regenerate (Every event you do successfully regenerates 1 Health)
8-Sacrifice (You can, at any time, lose half health to fully heal another player)
Power controls your damage in battle. For every 2 Power, your battle survival percentage is increased by 1, starting from 40. The max battle survival percentage is 75.
2-Quick Learner (You can now wield weapons)
4-Specialist (You may now wield firearms)
5-Intimidation (You now have a 30% chance of scaring away a mutant in battle)
8-Lion Hearted (Every time you deal damage, you recover 1 Health)
Intelligence allows you to do certain things that might give you an advantage of the other players. It also gives more choices in difficult situations.
2-Lock Picking (You can now go through a door with no lost health)
4-Specialist (You may now wield firearms)
6-Common Sense (You have an extra 5% event passing chance)
8-Hacking (You may now sabotage Computer softwares, dismantle bombs, and control security systems and bots)
10-Education (Every three events, you may give a close player +2 Intelligence)
Planning gives you a bigger chance of passing events with a positive outcome. For every 1 Planning point, you have an extra 1% passing chance, starting from 30, and ending at 60 (without skills).
2-Save It For Later (You now have a higher chance of finding items)
4-Work Together (You can now choose to walk directly to another player, which will take 1-4 events to reach)
8-Sabotuer (You may now place traps, turrets, cameras and decoys)
13-The Ultimate Plan (You level up 2 levels and your next event and battle will both have a 100% passing chance)
Survival gives you a smaller chance of dying, and allows you to last longer.
2-Sleep (If you have 2 or less health, you may skip action and recover 3)
5-Survival Instincts (You now have an extra 5% to both event passing chance and battle surviving chance)
6-Assistance (You may now help a player in battle, but you will not die)
8-Medic's knowledge (You will now be able to now the effects of any consumable items before you use them)
10-CPR (You may now bring back a dead non-mutant player with 2 health)
Speed gives you better chances to avoid zombies, and allows you to do things faster.
2-Counterattack (For every 3 damage taken, your weakest enemy takes 1)
5-Teleport (You may now teleport to another player for 1 Health)
8-Stealth (Every 3 battles, you may sneak past the next mutants you encounter)
Leadership gives you certain titles, allowing you to get bonuses that are kept and passed down.
1-Organizer (+2 Vitality)
2-In Charge (+4 Vitality, you may now skip an action to heal a nearby player for 1 Health)
4-Official (+6 Vitality, +1 Power and +1 Planning if highest ranked player. You may also heal a nearby player for 1 Health)
6-Leader (+6 Vitality, +1 Power, +1 Intelligence, +1 Luck, and +1 Planning if highest ranked player. You may now heal all nearby players for 2 Health)
9-Ultimate Surviver (+8 Vitality, +1 all stats if highest ranked player. You may now give all nearby players 1 medkit)
12-Savior (+11 Vitality, +2 all stats if highest ranked player. You may now heal all Humans in game for 1 Health for the cost of 1 Health every 2, or you may pass out medkits to all nearby players)
Engineering allows you to build and fix different things, along with improvements to basic objects.
2-Light Controls (You may alter the light settings of the room you are in)
4-Genetic Engineering (All drinks and foods you own will restore an extra +1 Health)
5-Haywire (You may now make vehicles work)
7-Item Construct (Mattering on the materials you have, you may build a non-bio Other item)
8-Weapon Modification (You can permanently give any of your weapons either +1 Power, +1 Vitality or +1 Speed for the cost of 1 Health)
Luck reduces the number of bad outcomes you have, and can influence a large variety of things, too.
2-Snake Eyes (Every three events, you can use this skill to make the total Health lost in the next battle or event 1)
4-Russian Roulette (You may use this to either kill all the enemies in a battle or lose 3 Health)
7-Taking the Risk (You now have an extra 5% to battle survival chance and event passing chance)
9-Lucky Shot (Your equipped weapon has an extra +1 Power)
Leveling up:
Every time you level up, you are given 2 Attribute points to spend on any stat(s) you wish. To gain XP, you have to win a battle or complete an event. If you have 4 or less Health, then you also regain full Health after leveling up.
Weapons add to your stats, giving you a higher survival rate. They can also take away health in some occasions or cause enemies to have disabilities. Very useful when fighting.
Attachments are used to make weapons better, and therefore add more stat points or Health. Up to 3 attachments can be placed on 1 weapon.
Armor also helps you gain stat points, but it is usually harder to find.
Other Items:
Other items can help you heal yourself or build stuff. Some special items can also come in handy.
In the Undefeatable class, you are invincible and can't hold any type of items. Every three events, you can do one of these things to a player if you choose:
⢠You can heal 1-5 of their Health.
⢠You can give them 5-15 XP.
⢠You can give them a Medkit.
⢠You can prevent the next battle from happening.
⢠You can raise one of their Attributes by one point.
⢠You can deal 1-4 damage to them.
⢠You can take away 1-5 XP from them.
⢠You can add 1-2 mutants to their next battle.
⢠You can take away one Other Item from them.
Note: For any abilities that you can use every x events, you can use them before x events pass the first time.
- 31 Replies
Name: Jeff Stone
Allegiance: Humans
Class: Programmer
Title: None
Level: 1
XP: 0/3
Health: 6/6
Vitality: 0
Power: 0
Intelligence: 3
Planning: 2
Survival: 0
Speed: 0
Leadership: 0
Engineering: 0
Luck: 0
Weapon: None
Attachments: None
Armor: None
Other Items: None
*sorry i am late*
I charge a shopping cart into them.
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