You are a kid living in the ancient land of Terran.You are walking home one day you find a dragon egg.You take it home and hide it for a while but you know it will hatch soon.
Name: Ragnarok Age: 17 Gender: M LvL:1 Hp:10/10 Inventory:Survival guide,Lighter,Axe,Wood(2) Dragons name: Hydra Dragons Element:Fire Features: Three heads, brown in color, short temper Status:Hatchling Location:Terra Woods
"huh, is there anything about TAKING CARE of a dragon, instead of attacking or getting attacked?" i say outloud, hopefully out of Hydras earshot (short temper, lol)
Name: blue wings Age:17 Gender: male LvL:2 Hp:`12/12 Inventory:Herbs,Medicine Recipe Armor:Lightweight Scientist Protection(Torso) Dragons name:snow Dragons Element:water Features:dark blue back, light blue belly, long tail Status:Small Dragon Location:Plains
ugh... idk... i have no weapons or anything. and snow isnt old enough to fight this dragon. ill just have to get out of there before he will burn me and keep running