You are a kid living in the ancient land of Terran.You are walking home one day you find a dragon egg.You take it home and hide it for a while but you know it will hatch soon.
Name:Tom Razer Age:17 Gender:Male Hp:10/10 Inventory:Food,Axe,Slingshot Dragons name:Eragon Dragons Element:Fire Features:Blue colored with a bit redish,Has a spiky tail. Status:Hatchling Location:RedFields
I take the slingshot and go repair the tent.
P.S Can we please have levels like i gain level 2 which will make me stronger and a level for the dragon.Because i am the one who will ride and fight with the dragon.Please!
Name:Tom Razer Age:17 Gender:Male LvL:1 Hp:10/10 Inventory:Food,Axe,Slingshot Dragons name:Eragon Dragons Element:Fire Dragon Lvl:1 Dragon Abilitys:Bite,Scratch. Features:Blue colored with a bit redish,Has a spiky tail. Status:Hatchling Location: RedFields Woods
I gather some pebbles for my slingshot then go to Red Feilds and help.
P.S I added Dragon Level.I also thought that my dragon should come to a specific level then could go from hatchling to a young dragon or something.Maybe lvl 5 would be enough. I also added abilitys which are mostly attacks and other abilitys like breath fire,swim,fly,jump and you know.Abilitys.Lol.