OK, this is my first RPG forum game, so I hope I did good, lol. Here is the form you need ot fill out, and is wat we will be using for this game:
Name: Age: Characteristics: Weapon: Rifle Items: (will be filled over time) Ability: (must be verified and appropriete) Biography: Haert(or karma, if you prefer): Neutral (stays at neutral until i say it changes) Level: Trainee (you start at Trainee, and as you do better and better things, you level up) Calling(means wat you r good at, and if your good in a certain field later on in the game, you will be able to do it quicker):N/A
OK, now that you have something to go off of, I will make a Moderator account for myself:
Name: General George Custer Age:24 Characteristics: Tall, mustard colored hair, and has a moustache Weapon: 2 pistols, shotgun, and horse Items: Horse, 200 wood and metal, 300 bullets Ability: Moderator Biography: Born and raised in Kansas, Custer was the prime of the Fort Hays Academy, but as you all know, died at the battle of little bighorn, so i, pretty much, brought him back from the dead. Haert: Strong Level: General/Moderator (you start at Trainee, and as you do better and better things, you level up) Calling:General
and thats it, and the rules for this are as follows: No shooting each other except in combat(i'll tell you when your are in combat)
Name:Tom Razer Age:21 Characteristics:Tall,Brown hair,has a stubble. Health:50/50 Exp:10/100 Level:Traniee. Weapon:Rifle w/ improved aim,pistol. Items: Axe, 5 wood, 5 rock Ability:Upgrader-Can improve weapons and create stuff. Biography:Was a boy that trained in the army.Now I am a solider that is going in a cival war. Karma:Neutral Speciality:Rifles and Bomb Planting.
I make a fire from wood and stones.Then go hunting with mah axe!
Name: Rapyion Lee Age: 19 Characteristics: Short, thin, short hair. Weapon: None Items: Bone Dagger, Bone spear, Deer antelors (read below) Ability: Quick in dodging and escaping. Biography: Born in United States. Mother and father murdered. Was adopted at 5. Sent to this army at 16. Been training until now. HP: 50/50 XP: 0/100 Haert: Neutral Level: Trainee Calling: Pistols and knives.
You have taken the following bones to make the weapons: All the remaining leg bones, and the antlers. You were able to make the following weapons: Bone Dagger, Bone spear. (the antlers can be sold for money later on). You head back to your fire, when you notice the puppy german shepard following you, and it seems curious at wat your doing, wat do you do?
Name:John Smith Age:19 Characteristics:dark drown short hair, 5'0 clock shadow Weapon: Rusty axe (for now) Items: Ruby, 2 fish, rusty axe HP:100/100 XP:15/100 Ability: Survivor- Can last just a little longer with out food and water Biography:Born and raised in gettheos of old new york lived in a poor faimly and ussaly went days with out anyfood (thats how i got my perk i guess) and then over time got used to it. when he heard that the south sepreated from the U.S of A he had a sudden burst of patronisum and went up and joined the Army. Karma: Neutral Level: Trainee Calling: Marksmenship and Horseback rideing
As you think about wat to do, you relise somebody has already made a fire. You start cooking the fish, when you see somebody walk into the clearing, wat do you do?
Ray, this is a different person's character sheet. Not yours, lol.
Name:Tom Razer Age:21 Characteristics:Tall,Brown hair,has a stubble. Health:50/50 Exp:10/100 Level:Traniee. Weapon: No at the moment (owns rifle with improved aim) Items: Axe, 5 wood, 5 rock Ability:Upgrader-Can improve weapons and create stuff. Biography:Was a boy that trained in the army.Now I am a solider that is going in a cival war. Karma:Neutral Speciality:Rifles and Bomb Planting.
After searching, you find a turtle, wat do you do?
Name:Tom Razer Age:21 Characteristics:Tall,Brown hair,has a stubble. Health:50/50 Exp:10/100 Level:Traniee. Weapon: No at the moment (owns rifle with improved aim) Items: Axe, 5 wood, 5 rock Ability:Upgrader-Can improve weapons and create stuff. Biography:Was a boy that trained in the army.Now I am a solider that is going in a cival war. Karma:Neutral Speciality:Rifles and Bomb Planting.
I slice its head off and take his shell/body back to the fire and put the body on the fire.Then wait for the shell to collapse from the flames and then eat the turtle meat.
Name:Tom Razer Age:21 Characteristics:Tall,Brown hair,has a stubble. Health:50/50 Exp:30/100 Level:Traniee. Weapon: No at the moment (owns rifle with improved aim) Items: Axe, 5 wood, 5 rock Ability:Upgrader-Can improve weapons and create stuff. Biography:Was a boy that trained in the army.Now I am a solider that is going in a cival war. Karma:Neutral Speciality:Rifles and Bomb Planting.
After you have gotten your first meal, you have gained 20 experince, and have almost completed the training assignment. You need to find shelter, and a drinkable water source.
Name:Tom Razer Age:21 Characteristics:Tall,Brown hair,has a stubble. Health:50/50 Exp:30/100 Level:Traniee. Weapon: No at the moment (owns rifle with improved aim) Items: Axe, 5 wood, 5 rock Ability:Upgrader-Can improve weapons and create stuff. Biography:Was a boy that trained in the army.Now I am a solider that is going in a cival war. Karma:Neutral Speciality:Rifles and Bomb Planting.
I get a lot of wood.Then i make a shovel and start digging until i find drinkable water. Then i get more wood and build a small shelter.
Name:Tom Razer Age:21 Characteristics:Tall,Brown hair,has a stubble. Health:100/100 Exp:0/250 Level:Recruit Weapon: rifle with improved aim Items: Axe, 5 rock, 300 paper money Ability:Upgrader-Can improve weapons and create stuff. Biography:Was a boy that trained in the army.Now I am a solider that is going in a cival war. Karma:Neutral Speciality:Rifles and Bomb Planting.
Congrats, you have completed your training mission. You will be escourted out of the forest. You are givn back your rifle and also 300 dollars in paper money (it's the civil war, they just started using paper money in this time). You will first choose which side you want to be apart of: Confederate, or Union. You will then be escourted to a Tavern in either Jackson, Mississippi, or New York, New York (depending on which side you choose). You may keep the items you gained while you were doing the training assignment. Also, becuase you completed it, you have been leveled up to Recruit (Recruits are a little more important than trainees).
Name:Tom Razer Age:21 Characteristics:Tall,Brown hair,has a stubble. Health:100/100 Exp:0/250 Level:Recruit Weapon: rifle with improved aim Items: Axe, 5 rock, 300 paper money, shovel Ability:Upgrader-Can improve weapons and create stuff. Biography:Was a boy that trained in the army.Now I am a solider that is going in a cival war. Karma:Neutral Speciality:Rifles and Bomb Planting.
Name:Tom Razer Age:21 Characteristics:Tall,Brown hair,has a stubble. Health:100/100 Exp:0/250 Level:Recruit Weapon: rifle with improved aim Items: Axe, 5 rock, 300 paper money Ability:Upgrader-Can improve weapons and create stuff. Biography:Was a boy that trained in the army.Now I am a solider that is going in a cival war. Karma:Neutral Speciality:Rifles and Bomb Planting.
As i remember in the cival war in central america the south was vs the north(In central armeica).So will choose to be the north fighters.
Name:Tom Razer Age:21 Characteristics:Tall,Brown hair,has a stubble. Health:100/100 Exp:0/250 Level:Recruit Weapon: rifle with improved aim Items: Axe, 5 rock, 300 paper money, shovel Ability:Upgrader-Can improve weapons and create stuff. Biography:Was a boy that trained in the army.Now I am a solider that is going in a cival war. Karma:Neutral Speciality:Rifles and Bomb Planting.
You beginning destination is New York, New York. You walk out of the bar, in newly adorned Union clothes, and head south past a kennel. Where do you go?
Name:Jediah Brown Age:19 Characteristics:avererage height, medium build, short black hair Weapon:model 1861 springfield Rifle Items: Ability:Reb' hater: jediah hates rebs (see bio) and will do anything to make sure they are taken down along with that confederate flag Biography:Lived as a young farm boy down south but believed in equal rights whether a man be black or white and didn't enjoy seeing the confederacy split from the union. so by 16 he stole away on a cart heading for a border state and wandered for a few years until being discovered by a union patrol. they quickly drafted him against his will and put him into training. Haert(or karma, if you prefer): Neutral (stays at neutral until i say it changes) Level: Trainee (you start at Trainee, and as you do better and better things, you level up) Calling(means wat you r good at, and if your good in a certain field later on in the game, you will be able to do it quicker):N/A
Name: John Bravo Age: 18 Characteristics: Brown spiked hair in the front brown eyes 5'6 and muscular from farm work Weapon: Rifle Items: none Ability/ perk: Harden Farmer: can do anything he learned as a farmer (cooking hunting Growing crops ect.) Biography: Grew up on a farm then got drafted into the army on his 18 th birthday Karma: 00 Calling: (umm) Hunting Gathering/Growing crops