A.G.A.I.N. stands for Armor Games Advanced IT Necessity. What im talking about is a place for people to just leave comments, and for designers to make the games. Its for the average person to make their ideas a reality. Heres my idea:
1. Administrator- Taken. Thats me. Ill run the website and contact the others when a good game idea comes. 2. Coders-Not Taken(5-8). These people will code the game in flash. Thats all the have to do. 3. Designers-Not Taken(3). These people will design the game and will make the instruction and the description of the game. 4. Image Director- Not Taken(5). These will draw the sprites for the game. They do 100% drawing. MUST HAVE PAD ATTACHMENT!
I hope i get people to join this, and make this a success. Please join me by emailing me at thebester5.cpu@gmail.com