its the American civil war... with a bit of a change its in 2020 and the south has risen to new standards and seceded from the U.S. and formed the Southern military confederation while the U.S. remained its same self.
name: age:16-45 gender: factionthe U.S. or SMC) status:normal class: perk:you make it inventory weapons: armor: misc: stats:24 strength:how much you can carry and how much you can lift intelligence:how smart you are and how easily you assess your situation agility:how nimble your are and how fast you can move endurance:how much you can endure and how much damage you an take.
rifleman:the average soldier who uses an assault rifle of his choice and makes up the backbone of the army.
spec ops:they use sub machine guns to sneak up on their enemy's and also to do secret missions.
heavy gunner:uses a light machine gun to lay down suppressing fire on a enemy to cover other soldiers
sniper:uses sniper rifles to cover soldiers from a distance and to take out high priority targets.
medicbviously heals troops and isn't that good at using weapons but is very valuable.
name: Michael Compton. age: 21 gender: Male faction: US status:normal class: Rifleman. perk: Eagle Eye(is better at spotting enemies, and way more accurate with a gun) inventory weapons: XM8 LAR, Beretta 9m. armor: ACH[Advanced Combat Helmet], IOTV[Improved Outer Tactical Vest]. misc: 2 MK3A2 Fragmentation Grenades, Tourniquet. stats:24 strength: 6 intelligence: 6 agility: 6 endurance: 6
you jump to cover and look around but see no one not even your platoon.suddenly you hear gunshots off in the distance.after some time they hear the bell that signals the time to establish base camp is over ring.what now.
name: Stalin age:24 gender:Male faction:U.S. status:normal class:Sniper perk: Marksmen- I can take better shots in a less amount of time. inventory weapons: armor:Kevlar vest,Mich combat helmet misc: stats:0 strength:5 intelligence:6 agility:6 endurance:7
you head over to the armory to pick your sniper but the guy says"sorry dude we haven't been supplied with more weapons for awhile.all i have is a Barrett.50 cal and a USP.45.if you want i can switch your pistol with a spas-12.also we only have some Kevlar vest you go.what now
name: Jet Smith age:16 gender: M faction:U.S. status:normal class: Sniper perk: Ghost (Cannot be seen by radar + has camo) inventory weapons: WA2000 W/Silencer+ Infrared scope armor: Combat helmet, Ghilie suit misc: stats:24 strength: 6 intelligence: 6 agility: 6 endurance: 6
... i wasn't aiming for a cod like thing.
you are laying on a hill waiting for a enemy convoy to drive by.your spotter next to you says"hq says theyll be her any minute.the ambush is all setup".suddenly a humvee with a guy on a .50 cal drives around the hill followed by three trucks full of trops and another Humvee with a .50cal.what now.
name: Shaub age:18 gender: M faction: SMC status:normal class: spec ops perk: im a ninja that is skilled with all weapons inventory: Semtex, Flashbang, Frag, Tactical Knife weapons: Silenced MP5K, with extended mag, and red dot. silenced G18 armor: kevlar Bullet peoof vest misc: candy bar stats:24 strength: 5 intelligence: 9 agility: 8 endurance:2
name: Shaun age:18 gender: M faction: SMC status:normal class: spec ops perk: im a ninja that is skilled with all weapons inventory: Semtex, Flashbang, Frag, Tactical Knife weapons: Silenced Kriss super V, and red dot. silenced G18 armor: kevlar Bullet peoof vest misc: candy bar stats:24 strength: 5 intelligence: 9 agility: 8 endurance:2
name: Shaun age:18 gender: M faction: SMC status:normal class: spec ops perk: im a ninja that is skilled with all weapons inventory: Semtex, Flash bang, Frag, Tactical Knife weapons: Silenced Kriss super V, and red dot. silenced G18 armor: Kevlar Bullet proof vest misc: candy bar stats:24 strength: 5 intelligence: 9 agility: 8 endurance:2
you are silently walking through a building to kill a high ranked officer when you hear footsteps coming your way.what now
.... a candy bar?
no more people please unless you ask me and i say yes.
"Disappointed, can I have the P 90? You know, the fact that we don't have desert eagles is purely annoying," I say taking a P 90. "Also can you get me a good combat knife, bowie maybe?"
name: Noam age: 19 gender: M faction: SMC status:normal class: Spec ops perk: Runs extremely fast and silent inventory weapons:P 90,bowie knife armor:Kevlar body armor misc: stats:24 strength: 5 intelligence: 8 agility: 8 endurance: 3
he says"yea i know bowie knifes arnt standard issue... but a friend of mine brought one in a couple days ago saying he got it off a dead soldier so hear you go.what about your sidearm?what now.
name: Stalin age:24 gender:Male faction:U.S. status:normal class:Sniper perk: Marksmen- I can take better shots in a less amount of time. inventory weapons: armor:Kevlar vest,Mich combat helmet misc: stats:0 strength:5 intelligence:6 agility:6 endurance:7
"yeah i'll take the spaz and the vest, but do you have like any silencers or a ghille suit?"
name: Stalin age:24 gender:Male faction:U.S. status:normal class:Sniper perk: Marksmen- I can take better shots in a less amount of time. inventory weapons:Barret.50cal,spas,OKC-3S Bayonet armor:Kevlar vest,Mich combat helmet misc: stats:0 strength:5 intelligence:6 agility:6 endurance:7
god! people are so impatient,i was getting to that.
he says"alright you can pick 2 attachments for each of your weapons and any camouflage you want to.what now
name: Noam age: 19 gender: M faction: SMC status:normal class: Spec ops perk: Runs extremely fast and silent inventory weapons:P 90,bowie knife,m9 armor:Kevlar body armor misc: stats:24 strength: 5 intelligence: 8 agility: 8 endurance: 3
he says"OK pick 2 attachments for each weapon and anything else you'll need".mkay.
name: Jet Smith age:16 gender: M faction:U.S. status:normal class: Sniper perk: Ghost (Cannot be seen by radar + has camo) inventory weapons: WA2000 W/Silencer+ Infrared scope,USP.45 w/silencer+tact knife armor: Combat helmet, Ghilie suit misc: stats:24 strength: 6 intelligence: 6 agility: 6 endurance: 6
you hit the driver in the hummer in the front in the eye.the bullet ricocheted ad hit the gunner as well.the three convoy trucks start to speed up while the gunner on the hummer in the back starts firing everywhere.what now.(gave you a pistol with a silencer)
name: Stalin age:24 gender:Male faction:U.S. status:normal class:Sniper perk: Marksmen- I can take better shots in a less amount of time. inventory weapons:Barret.50cal,spas,OKC-3S Bayonet armor:Kevlar vest,Mich combat helmet misc: stats:0 strength:5 intelligence:6 agility:6 endurance:7
geez sorry!
"ok for my .50 cal i'll have a thermal scope and a sliencer. and for my spaz also a sliencer and a grip. and a ghille suit" (matching the outside of course)