ForumsForum Games4 Survivors

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/ser-vahy-ver/ [ser-vahy-ver]

a person who continues to function or prosper in spite of
opposition, hardship, or setbacks.

The Four Survivors-Forum game by Secretmapper

-Survival System
The forum game has a so-called survival system. They are a

set of values that govern how much you recieve damage, how much

your character follows you, and how long you can stay alive

without rest. Having a negative value in the survival meter will

mean you will receive more damage, your character follows you

less frequently and you cannot stay much long without rest. The

higher the value, means better, but having lower, is bad.

Basic Rules:
1. Follow Armorgames' rules.
2. It is not allowed to control NPCs or Teammates. You can

recommend teammates to do something but you cannot control

neither them nor NPCs
EG. Hey could you help me out here!- Correct
My partner kills him- Wrong
I kick the zombie's head and decapitates it-Wrong
I'll kick the zombie's head- Correct
3. Because the forum game involves interconnected storylines
between characters, the player sometimes need to pick on two

choices, to move or not to move. Not moving causes the game to

mantain a &quotaused" phase, where the real world's time does not

affect the game world's time. Of course, this could bore

players, and they might choose to move the game without the

others having choices yet. They can choose to move, but since

other players have not yet picked a choice, they will suffer

4. Though the above rule is stated, it is still defined that

the game must wait for a player for atleast 24 hours before

enabling other players to move without waiting.
5. The game only accepts 4 people to join. Though if someone

quits or is kicked, registrations will be accepted again.

Attributes description.

Maneuverability: Decides how maneuverable you are. Being more

maneuverable means you can traverse more areas.

eg. If, in a set of choices, a "jump across window" choice is

present, a value telling the minimuim amount of

manueverability needed will be present.

Jump across window (needs 5+ manueverability)

Having more that 5 or more manueverability points means you can

jump across the window

Speed: Decides how fast you are. It does not only govern how
fast you are in running, but how fast you are generally,
in shooting, in typing, in eating, etc.

Intelligence: Although how smart you are in the real world is

also put to the test, intelligence in game
govern how your character follows you. Having a

high intelligence index means your character is
more disciplined, and he/she is able to use
weapons better. He is also able to identify more
items, and their potential uses. Having a high
intelligence index may sometimes mean that you
do not need to solve a puzzle.

eg. automatic password decryption(needs 20+ intelligence)

This is the player's sheet, please fill out. This game follows a

first come first served basis. Do not fill out choices with


Survival meter: Neutral
| Attributes*** |
|Intelligence: |
|Speed: |
|Manueverability: |
*Note that a first name, a middle initial, and a Last name is

**You're game age must be older that 18.
***Attributes are decided, as well as energy and health from

your description. Please be as descriptive as possible, and

honest of course. (Overpowered descriptions will not be


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