Name: Terront
Gender: Male
Age: 200
Dragon Size: 7 stories tall, 1 bus in length, 4 buses in width
Element: Water
Location: Hawaiian Islands
Description: A large dark blue dragon that blends in with the water. Fast and agile but weak.
Pack Name + Size: None
Bio: Lives in the ocean and nearby islands, terrorizing bypassing sailors and ships.
Family: None
Perk: Recovers from wounds faster in water
Try to lose them in the tall sea weed.
You dive into the seaweeds, then slow down. You go still hoping those monsters will bypass you and see dark shapes passing by and searching all around the field of seaweed. But not finding you so they start drifting further, and further away. You...
A) Wait a while before moving
B) Goto sleep
C) Make a dash upwards
D) Your choice
Gender: Male
Age: 82
Dragon Size: 10 stories tall, 3 bus in length, 2 buses in width
Element: Wind
Location: Europe
Description: Big Red and muscular dragon long wings and two long horns
Pack Name + Size: None
Bio: finish later
Family: None
Perk: Muscular:Very strong and can easily destroy walls,buildings etc
B) Hit the ground and roll over
You dive to the ground, and you crush 2 of the 4 raptors on you by the rolling over the other two were forced forced off by the impact. You see a dozen more raptors circling you and charging. You...
A) Swing your club like tail at them
B) Start biting and swiping your claws at the raptors
C) Use your fire breathe on them
D) Flee
E) Your choice
Name: Jetar
Gender: Male
Age: 78
Dragon Size: 1 story tall, 4 buses in length, 1 bus in width
Element: Wind
Location: Antartica
Description: Small lanky green dragon with lots of spines and spikes
Pack Name + Size: Loner,For all loners who wan't to live in peace, currently 6 dragons
Bio: Optional
Family: 1 brother that turned to stone 5 years ago
Perk: Very fast
A) Breathe fire into it's face
As the sabre tooth tiger is biting at you and trying to claw out your throat you breathe fire upwards into it's face. Making it roar in pain and jump off you. It's face is burnt and scalded. Two other sabre tooth tigers start to encircle you.
You look around and see at least two dozen nearby fighting the mammoths or your pack.
You decide to...
A) Flee and get your pack
B) Suddenly charge one of the tigers
B1) Tackle the tiger and try to bite it or claw at it
B2) Breathe fire at one of them
C) Use your fire breathe to keep them away
D) Your choice