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Has anyone here read Fallen Angels, by Walter Dean Myer? It's a good book, and it's the inspiration for this RPG. Therefore, I thought it only appropriate that I should title the RPG Fallen Angels.

Anyway, you aren't just one person. You'll actually be playing as a whole squadron: a Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol team, or LRRP. The reason you get to play as a whole team of 4-6? People die. When one of the people in your team dies, they will be replaced by someone new, so there's not that much of a lasting effect, but don't get too attached to anybody.
You are going to be playing as an American squad.
First things first: you'll need a character sheet. These are just to keep track of your team. You'll want to start out with five of these.

A *, or asterisks, indicates that the following field is optional. If you do not wish to include any information in an optional field, simply remove the field.

Name: First and last name must be included, initial or full middle name optional.
Age: 17-30.
Class: Private/Sergeant(you may have one sergeant and four privates).
Class: See below
Primary Weapon: See Class.
Secondary Weapon: See Class.
Miscellaneous: See Class.
Training: See Class.
Status: See below.
Medals: See below.

Medals and ribbons can be awarded at any point in time, but they are going to be awarded most often after battle. They are given for good conduct, valor, etc. If a soldier receives a medal or a ribbon, depending on what it is, he or she will get a bonus such as improved accuracy or improved toughness. They can also be promoted.


Description: Your basic soldier. Has standard equipment and training.
Primary Weapon: M16A1 Assault Rifle.
Secondary Weapon: M1911A1 Semiautomatic Pistol.
Miscellaneous: Spare Ammunition, Rations.
Armor: Infantry Uniform.
Training: Rifle Accuracy, Pistol Accuracy.

Description: A soldier skilled in long range combat, equipped with the appropriate gear for that.
Primary Weapon: M21 Sniper Rifle.
Secondary Weapon: M1911A1 Semiautomatic Pistol.
Miscellaneous: Spare Ammunition.
Armor: Ghillie Suit.
Training: Rifle Accuracy, Long Range Accuracy.

Description: A tough, stealthy soldier trained and equipped for special operations work.
Primary Weapon: Colt Commando Assault Rifle.
Secondary Weapon: KABAR Knife, M1911A1 Pistol with Silencer.
Miscellaneous: Rations.
Armor: Camouflage Uniform.
Training: Hand-to-Hand Combat, Stealth.

Description: A soldier trained and equipped to provide heavy suppressive fire for his allies.
Primary Weapon: M60 Machine Gun.
Secondary Weapon: None.
Miscellaneous: Spare Ammunition, Mark 2 Fragmentation Grenade.
Armor: MG Uniform.
Training: Machine Gun Accuracy, Weapons Handling(keeping the weapons in good condition so they don't malfunction).

Description: Trained with heavy weapons, designed to bust bunkers and destroy tanks.
Primary Weapon: M72 LAW Anti Tank And Personnel Weapon.
Secondary Weapon: M79 Grenade Launcher.
Miscellaneous: Mark 2 Fragmentation Grenade.
Armor: Basic Uniform.
Training: Heavy Weapons Accuracy, Explosives Accuracy.

Description: A soldier trained to command the troops and call in support.
Primary Weapon: M-14 Assault Rifle.
Secondary Weapon: M1911A1 Semiautomatic Pistol.
Miscellaneous: Radio, Binoculars.
Armor: Officer's Uniform.
Training: Spotting, Rifle Accuracy.

Make your own!
You can make your own class, but I must approve it.

So, create 5 characters, and we will start the game with however many people join.

  • 26 Replies
3,028 posts

This looks fun, but thats a lot of stuff to go over, hope i did the sheet right:

Name: John Smith
Age: 30
Class: Sergeant
Class: Officer
Primary Weapon: M-14 Assault Rifle
Secondary Weapon: M1911A1 Semiautomatic Pistol
Miscellaneous: Radio, Binoculars
Training: Spotting, Rifle Accuracy
Armor: Officer's Uniform
Status: See below.
Medals: See below.

Name: Tom Sawyer
Age: 17
Class: Private
Class: Infantry
Primary Weapon: M16A1 Assault Rifle
Secondary Weapon: M1911A1 Semiautomatic Pistol
Miscellaneous: Spare Ammunition, Rations
Training: Rifle Accuracy, Pistol Accuracy
Armor: Infantry Uniform
Status: See below.
Medals: See below.

Name: James Matt
Age: 22
Class: Private
Class: Assault
Primary Weapon: M72 LAW Anti Tank And Personnel Weapon
Secondary Weapon: M79 Grenade Launcher
Miscellaneous: Mark 2 Fragmentation Grenade
Armor: Basic Uniform
Training: Heavy Weapons Accuracy, Explosives Accuracy
Status: See below.
Medals: See below.

Name: Matt James
Age: 18
Class: Private
Class: Sniper
Primary Weapon: M21 Sniper Rifle.
Secondary Weapon: M1911A1 Semiautomatic Pistol.
Miscellaneous: Spare Ammunition.
Armor: Ghillie Suit.
Training: Rifle Accuracy, Long Range Accuracy.
Status: See below.
Medals: See below.

Name: Austin Mazz
Age: 27
Class: Private
Class: Commando
Primary Weapon: Colt Commando Assault Rifle.
Secondary Weapon: KABAR Knife, M1911A1 Pistol with Silencer.
Miscellaneous: Rations.
Armor: Camouflage Uniform.
Training: Hand-to-Hand Combat, Stealth.
Status: See below.
Medals: See below.

26,390 posts

All right, looks good.
Members: John Smith[Officer], Tom Sawyer[Infantry], James Matt[Assault], Matt James[Sniper], Austin Mazz[Commando].
John Smith: Healthy.
Tom Sawyer: Healthy.
James Matt: Healthy.
Matt James: Healthy.
Austin Mazz: Healthy.

The squad has just met in Saigon, after having taken a plane to said city from a United States military base. They arrive in Saigon and are all assigned to the same LRRP squad. They have not yet been given an assignment by their superiors, but they will soon. For now, though, they can talk, go eat in the mess, train in the gym or at the firing range(which will not provide any extra training), go to sleep in their bunk, etc.
Their time has yet to come.

3,028 posts

Members: John Smith[Officer], Tom Sawyer[Infantry], James Matt[Assault], Matt James[Sniper], Austin Mazz[Commando].
John Smith: Healthy.
Tom Sawyer: Healthy.
James Matt: Healthy.
Matt James: Healthy.
Austin Mazz: Healthy.

alrighty, when you think they have a mission, post it, i'll check back tommorow, or whenever i can check back in.

26,390 posts

...You seem to misunderstand how this work.
You also seem to have read my last comment selectively.

3,028 posts

wat? now you got me confused

26,390 posts

Well, you don't just sit on your hands between missions. Character interaction is one of the most fun parts of RPGing, try that...
You post an action, I post a reaction. This game isn't going to be all about the combat.

3,028 posts

Members: John Smith[Officer], Tom Sawyer[Infantry], James Matt[Assault], Matt James[Sniper], Austin Mazz[Commando].
John Smith: Healthy.
Tom Sawyer: Healthy.
James Matt: Healthy.
Matt James: Healthy.
Austin Mazz: Healthy.

Oh, ok...James Matt and Matt James try both their haands at the shooting gallery, to see who is better, John Smith and Tom Sawyer went to watch and place bets, and Austin Mazz decided to sort through his equipment.

3,798 posts

Name: Ric Olay
Age: 23
Class: Officer
Primary Weapon: M-14
SecondaryWeapon:M1911A1 Semiautomatic pistol
Miscellaneous:Radio, Binoculars
Armor: Officer Uniform
Training: Spotting, Rifle Accuracy

Name: Johnny Rico
Age: 17
Class: Private
Class: Assault
Primary Weapon:M72 LAW.
Secondary weapon: M79 Grenade Launcher
Miscellaneous: Mark 2 Frags
Training:Heavy weapons Accuracy, Explosives accuracy

Name: John Rambo
Age: 21
Class: Private
Class: COmmando
Primary Weapon: Colt Commando
Secondary Weapon: KABAR knife, M1911a1 pistol with silencer
Miscellaneous: rations
Training: Hand-to-hand Combat Stealth

Name: Jeff Hardy
Age: 24
Class: Private
Primary Weapon:M21
Secondary Weapon: M1911A1
Miscellaneous: Spare Ammo
Training: Rifle Accuracy Long range Accuracy

Name: Matt Hardy
Age: 20
Class: Private.
Class: MG
Primary Weapon:M60 MG .
Secondary Weapon: none.
Miscellaneous: Spare Ammo Mark2 Frag
Training:MG Accuracy, Weapons Handaling .

Hey Hyper can i join

26,390 posts

Members: John Smith[Officer/Healthy], Tom Sawyer[Infantry/Healthy], James Matt[Assault/Healthy], Matt James[Sniper/Healthy], Austin Mazz[Commando/Healthy].

Summer, 1967
Matt James beats James Matt at the firing range.
Austin Mazz cleans up his equipment.
John Smith and Tom Sawyer watch James and Matt.
Your squad is contacted by the brigade's commanding officer, Captain Saunders.
"All right," he says. "We've noticed a higher than usual incidence of contact with PAVN forces in the area of Dak To. We're sending in some US and ARVN soldiers to search and destroy. Hopefully, we can get them to fall back. We're not sure how many of them there are, or where they're at, so be careful. Watch out for ambushes. I'll send you out ASAP, just say when you're ready."

Members: Ric Olay[Officer], Johnny Rico[Assault/Healthy], John Rambo[Commando/Healthy], Jeff Hardy[Sniper/Healthy], Matt Hardy[MG/Healthy].

Sure you can. Read RS's first response.
The squad has just met in Saigon, after having taken a plane to said city from a United States military base. They arrive in Saigon and are all assigned to the same LRRP squad. They have not yet been given an assignment by their superiors, but they will soon. For now, though, they can talk, go eat in the mess, train in the gym or at the firing range(which will not provide any extra training), go to sleep in their bunk, etc.

Name: Ric Olay

I have no idea.

Name: Johnny Rico

Starship Troopers!

Name: John Rambo

I don't think I need to say this one. Duh.

Name: Jeff Hardy
Name: Matt Hardy

3,028 posts

Members: John Smith[Officer/Healthy], Tom Sawyer[Infantry/Healthy], James Matt[Assault/Healthy], Matt James[Sniper/Healthy], Austin Mazz[Commando/Healthy].

"We're ready, sir!!"

I've heard of the book Fallen Angles, but never read it, i picked it up at barnes and nobles, though. looks like a nice book. I didnt get it then, though.

26,390 posts

I've heard of the book Fallen Angles, but never read it, i picked it up at barnes and nobles, though. looks like a nice book. I didnt get it then, though.

If I were you, I wouldn't read it. No offense, but judging by your reaction in the D&D game, you're a bit...sensitive. The book has quite a lot of swearing in it, so I would not recommend it to you.

Members: John Smith[Officer/Healthy], Tom Sawyer[Infantry/Healthy], James Matt[Assault/Healthy], Matt James[Sniper/Healthy], Austin Mazz[Commando/Healthy].

Your squad is sent to Dak To, where you meet up with your temporary CO. He's a tall, lanky guy in an officer's uniform with a tan and an AK-47 slung over his shoulder.
"Hey," he says, standing up. "My name's Lieutenant Anderson, and I'll be leading you guys in this expedition. There are three other squads here: between the four of you, that makes a platoon, and that's what I'll be commanding. My job is to make sure the mission gets completed and that as few of you as possible die. And I will do that job. I need to know that you can do exactly what I tell you to do, WHEN I tell you to do it! Do you think you can do that?"
3,028 posts

Members: John Smith[Officer/Healthy], Tom Sawyer[Infantry/Healthy], James Matt[Assault/Healthy], Matt James[Sniper/Healthy], Austin Mazz[Commando/Healthy].

"Yes, sir."

26,390 posts

You realize you're playing 5 people, right?

3,028 posts

uh, YEAH?

26,390 posts

So...why are you only responding with one?

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