Hello, i am just reserving here a post, i am osan and i love making reviews and walkthroughs, and my first here in AG will be a full walkthrough and review, this is just reserved (i will edit this post when game is out)
i am thinking of puting images and strategies, plus suggestions and other thins, but if you want any (please not a video) specific thing just tell me and i will work on that
Plz correct me if i should be wrong, but i would see it like feldlurch the benefit from tripplemastery for example, adding grade 5/6 Y and another grade 5/6 L + adding a grade 1 O should scale better than a "ure" dual L/Y or ?
If you add third gem to Y-L it will eat part of Y-L modifiers, and at some point this eaten part will exceed bonus from third gem. Better build gem from lower grades, not mixing difference grades - lower cost of duplication Also, double gems easier to build.
Hey i'm making a walkthrough on utube and also! great game, i found out theirs like 18 Amulets u cant get in the non-premium (what i got) and completed every level except M13? (M1? and A1 only unlock for premium feature stuff) i think that once you get like complete all levels in non-premium (167) you could get Premium, i dont know
M1 and A13 are ineluctable even without premium, all you need is to keep playing.
A1 is very difficult, but technically possible. There are 18 waves, so with the +15 wave setting you reach 33. That represents an average of 213 monsters per wave that you need to have. If you use swarm only and double monsters, you will have a total of 3246 monsters, so you need to summon at least 3754 monsters before the 33th wave arrives. (With armored only, you'd get only 766 base monsters with +15 waves and x2 monsters, so you'd get more mana but you'd need to summon a lot more monsters; and with original waves in the same conditions, you'd get 1020 base monsters. I think it's easier to go with swarm monsters and a good mana farm, but you'll have to be very high level to pull it off.)
M13 is simply impossible. Since none of the non-pylon levels have anywhere close to 85 base waves, none of the 100th wave amulets can be obtained without premium.
Practically, you can build triple gem with dual colors start as 1 lime+1 purple =2 grade lime-purp and then mix it only with lime-orange. At this grade purple gone.
I just did the L9 challenge non-premium. Double waves, 15 extra and random. I tried with only swarms first but that didn't go as planned. With randon you get alot more mana and you get weak and strong waves. Summon as much moderately in the beggining. Then when you have your defence set up, go nuts. I did kill 7400 monsters, didn't calculate very good in the end so I ended up a little high.
Yeah, they got made out of order. What was originally intended to be a "mwhahaha! your efforts to stop evil have only helped it!" ending became a plot-driver thanks to the huge popularity of gemcraft-and the forgotten required backstory to keep the cliche from being too extreme.
next up, we will start chasing shadows around-and this time, we'll be armed with the weapon to stop the forgotten! (unless that has to wait for chapter 3, but I feel that peter has very nearly exhausted the play-style space centered about gem-combining.)