Humankind was thriving.The third world was no more and poverty was gone altogether.But then the aliens came and everyone split.Countries fought over weapons they could use to defend and earth was driven a devasting blow.
Name: Age:18+ Rank:Private ClassLook below) PerkMust be accepted) FactionLook below) Current Mission:None --------------------------------- Weapon:Model-1 Laser pistol Armor:None Inventory:None Group:
Classes are: Sniper Engineer Medic Scout Tactician Pilot Infantry
Classes will decide what weapons you will get.
Factions are: Americans(North america and Brazil) United south(South africa and south america) Kingdom of Cold(Ireland,UK,Norway,Sweden,Russia) Europeans(Rest of europe) Middle Easts(Japan and middle east) Goverment of China(Everywhere else)
Name: Thomas Mason Age:19 Rank: Private Class: Infantry Perk: Great Climbing and Speed Faction: Kingdom of Cold Country: England Current Mission: In the water --------------------------------- Weapon: Energy Knife,Pistol(1/10) Armor: None Inventory: None Group:Paul
Name: Thomas Mason Age:19 Rank: Sergant Class: Infantry Perk: Great Climbing and Speed Faction: Kingdom of Cold Country: England Current Mission: In the water --------------------------------- Weapon: Energy Knife,Pistol(1/10) Armor: None Inventory: None Group:Paul
"Ok"Says the commander."Well SERGANT You paul and a team of operatives will head there in a week"
Name: Thomas Mason Age:19 Rank: Sergant Class: Infantry Perk: Great Climbing and Speed Faction: Kingdom of Cold Country: England Current Mission: In the water --------------------------------- Weapon: Energy Knife,Pistol(1/10) Armor: None Inventory: None Group:Paul
(YAY A PREMOTION WELL DONE ME!!!!!!!!!!!) I go to sleep and wake up when we do our mission
Name: Thomas Mason Age:19 Rank: Sergant Class: Infantry Perk: Great Climbing and Speed Faction: Kingdom of Cold Country: England Current Mission: In the water --------------------------------- Weapon: Energy Knife,Pistol(1/10) Armor: None Inventory: None Group:Paul
I dont think you can sleep for a week.You wake up the next with paul in the bed beside you.
Name: Thomas Mason Age:19 Rank: Sergant Class: Infantry Perk: Great Climbing and Speed Faction: Kingdom of Cold Country: England Current Mission: In the water --------------------------------- Weapon: Energy Knife,Pistol(1/10) Armor: None Inventory: None Group:Paul
Name: Thomas Mason Age:19 Rank: Sergant Class: Infantry Perk: Great Climbing and Speed Faction: Kingdom of Cold Country: England Current Mission: In the water --------------------------------- Weapon: Energy Knife,Pistol(1/10) Armor: Space High Life Armor Inventory: Remote charges,Frag grenade,Machete Group:Paul
1 WEEK LATER You wake up at six to meet your squad members and you see a sniper,a Close quarters guy and a bomb specialist.Who do you talk to first?
Name: Thomas Mason Age:19 Rank: Sergant Class: Infantry Perk: Great Climbing and Speed Faction: Kingdom of Cold Country: England Current Mission: In the water --------------------------------- Weapon: Energy Knife,Pistol(1/10) Armor: Space High Life Armor Inventory: Remote charges,Frag grenade,Machete Group:Paul
Name: Thomas Mason Age:19 Rank: Sergant Class: Infantry Perk: Great Climbing and Speed Faction: Kingdom of Cold Country: England Current Mission: In the water --------------------------------- Weapon: Energy Knife,Pistol(1/10) Armor: Space High Life Armor Inventory: Remote charges,Frag grenade,Machete Group:Paul(Assault Rifle),Geoff(Shotgun),Grif(Pistol),Joel(Sniper)
"Hey im Geoff.Sniper is Joel and Bomb specialist is Grif.Im here to protect paul."You get ready to go and you all get in captured alien ships.You get in one.Joel and grif in another and Paul and geoof in the last.
Name: Thomas Mason Age:19 Rank: Sergant Class: Infantry Perk: Great Climbing and Speed Faction: Kingdom of Cold Country: England Current Mission: In the water --------------------------------- Weapon: Energy Knife,Pistol(1/10) Armor: Space High Life Armor Inventory: Remote charges,Frag grenade,Machete Group:Paul(Assault Rifle),Geoff(Shotgun),Grif(Pistol),Joel(Sniper
I guess we head off to the Alien planet to win the war
Name: Thomas Mason Age:19 Rank: Sergant Class: Infantry Perk: Great Climbing and Speed Faction: Kingdom of Cold Country: England Current Mission: In the water --------------------------------- Weapon: Energy Knife,Pistol(1/10) Armor: Space High Life Armor Inventory: Remote charges,Frag grenade,Machete Group:Paul(Assault Rifle),Geoff(Shotgun),Grif(Pistol),Joel(Sniper)
You jet off and fly out of atmosphere.You sneak past the alien armada and fly for a while.You see the planet but where do you land -The largest city -Mountains -Desert -Ice Cap
Name: Thomas Mason Age:19 Rank: Sergant Class: Infantry Perk: Great Climbing and Speed Faction: Kingdom of Cold Country: England Current Mission: In the water --------------------------------- Weapon: Energy Knife,Pistol(1/10) Armor: Space High Life Armor Inventory: Remote charges,Frag grenade,Machete Group:Paul(Assault Rifle),Geoff(Shotgun),Grif(Pistol),Joel(Sniper)
The mountines and if it has a view of the city we can leave Joel there so he can cover us
Name: John Bravo Age: 24 Rank:Private Class: Commando (can i be a commando?) Perk: Passive: regenerates health over time Faction: Americans Current Mission:None --------------------------------- Weapon:Model-1 Laser pistol Armor:None Inventory:None Group:
Name: Thomas Mason Age:19 Rank: Sergant Class: Infantry Perk: Great Climbing and Speed Faction: Kingdom of Cold Country: England Current Mission: In the water --------------------------------- Weapon: Energy Knife,Pistol(1/10) Armor: Space High Life Armor Inventory: Remote charges,Frag grenade,Machete Group:Paul(Assault Rifle),Geoff(Shotgun),Grif(Pistol),Joel(Sniper)
It doesnt.BTW are you continuing life rpg?You land in the mountains where there is a small settlement nearby.
Name: John Bravo Age: 24 Rank:Private Class: Commando (can i be a commando?) Perk: Passive: regenerates health over time Faction: Americans Current Mission:None --------------------------------- Weapon:Model-1 Laser pistol Armor:None Inventory:None Group:
Name: Thomas Mason Age:19 Rank: Sergant Class: Infantry Perk: Great Climbing and Speed Faction: Kingdom of Cold Country: England Current Mission: In the water --------------------------------- Weapon: Energy Knife,Pistol(1/10) Armor: Space High Life Armor Inventory: Remote charges,Frag grenade,Machete Group:Paul(Assault Rifle),Geoff(Shotgun),Grif(Pistol),Joel(Sniper)
I head down to the settlment. i also tell Paul to find his family so they can live And no I give it up I want someone to take it over