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This is the story of your life in Armor Town. You will be the one making deisions in your life no parents no God no-one but you.

Sign-Up Sheet:

Age: (10-45)
Biography: (Height, Apperance, Background of your charcter)
Job: No Job
Family: Mum and Dad (You can have brothers and sisters aswell)
Realashionship: No
Kids: No
Money: $25

Hope you enjoy this game, I was going to make a Armor High-School Game but I have made alot of them so I thought I might do a little change.

  • 218 Replies
1,005 posts

Name: Artemis Hawke
Age: 16
Gender: M
Biography:Brown hair and eyes.Grew up in a normal family and just moved to a new town a few weeks ago.
Job: No Job
Family: Mum(34) and Dad (34),2 Sisters (18) (8)
Realashionship: (GF) Miranda (16) (F) Steven (15)
Kids: No
Money: $82.50
Inventory: Cell Phone (Fully Charged) Football Boots (Dirty) Shinpads (Slightly Damaged)

1,943 posts

Got to go guys I will update any of your replys tommrow

1,140 posts

Name: John Bravo
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Biography: 5'1 tanned 126 pounds brown hair brown eyes slightly muscular
Job: No Job
Family: Mum(32), Dad(33) and 2 Sisters (7) (12)
Realashionship: No
Kids: No
Money: $25

D: i cuss em out take ah bb gun and start shooting them or take a baseball bat and go out side

1,005 posts

Name: Artemis Hawke
Age: 16
Gender: M
Biography:Brown hair and eyes.Grew up in a normal family and just moved to a new town a few weeks ag.o
Job: No Job
Family: Mum(34) and Dad (34),2 Sisters (18) (8)
Realashionship: (GF) Miranda (16) (F) Steven (15)
Kids: No
Money: $82.50
Inventory: Cell Phone (Fully Charged) Football Boots (Dirty) Shinpads (Slightly Damaged)

C) Order something

3,523 posts

Looks like I found this game a bit late, can I join?

Name: Isaac Franks
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Biography: 5'2, minimal build, blue eyes, brown hair, usually wears a dar blue short sleeve shirt, a black wristband with the Halo Legendary diffuclty symbol on it, and blue jeans. Isaac is the unlucky middle child in his family. He doesn't have the best relationship with his sister, and his younger brother looks up to him.
Job: No Job
Family: Mum and Dad, Brother(8) Sister(15)
Realashionship: No
Kids: No
Money: $25

2,436 posts

Name: Vlad Zladivosky
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Biography: 1,85m Tall, Well-built, Dark Hair and Eyes, Moved to a new town from TrollTown.
Job: No Job
Family: Mum[30] and Dad[31], 2 Brothers[16],[18]
Realashionship: No
Kids: No
Money: $145
Inventory: Maths, English, History, Science, Geography. GCSE's. Ak47 (Full Clip)

Try to wake the robbers up, if not run away.

1,943 posts

Name: John Bravo
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Biography: 5'1 tanned 126 pounds brown hair brown eyes slightly muscular
Job: No Job
Family: Mum(32), Dad(33) and 2 Sisters (7) (12)
Realashionship: No
Kids: No
Money: $25

You open your window and start shooting at them with the BB Gun. They stay there and throw eggs at you. One of them hits you in the eye. You drop the gun and hold your eye in pain. You put a bandage on it for now. You grab your baseball bat and go outside. When you meet them outside they still throw eggs but this time they don't hit you. You swing the bat and hit one of them in the leg. He cannont walk. The others know you are being seirous now and run away. You look at the boy on the floor, then take a look at your baseball bat. He is the one who hit you in the eye with an egg.
Do You:
A) Say something to him
B) Let him go
C) Hit him (Insert where) with the baseball bat
D) You choose

Name: Artemis Hawke
Age: 16
Gender: M
Biography:Brown hair and eyes.Grew up in a normal family and just moved to a new town a few weeks ag.o
Job: No Job
Family: Mum(34) and Dad (34),2 Sisters (18) (8)
Realashionship: (GF) Miranda (16) (F) Steven (15)
Kids: No
Money: $82.50
Inventory: Cell Phone (Fully Charged) Football Boots (Dirty) Shinpads (Slightly Damaged)

You order a Tuna Sandwitch from the menu. You open the sandwich to look at it and find to white pills inside it. You tell your mum who takes you back to the ward with the sandwhich and she asks the Nurses what it is all about. They don't understand her and when she explains, they say that you have alreday took your medication. Instantly your mother thinks it's you who has been taking the drugs and someone has not been slipping them to you. You say what drugs and she leads you to your bed and walks out.
Do You:
A) Follow her and ask her
B) Phone someone (Insert)
C) Try to go to sleep
D) You choose

Name: Isaac Franks
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Biography: 5'2, minimal build, blue eyes, brown hair, usually wears a dar blue short sleeve shirt, a black wristband with the Halo Legendary diffuclty symbol on it, and blue jeans. Isaac is the unlucky middle child in his family. He doesn't have the best relationship with his sister, and his younger brother looks up to him.
Job: No Job
Family: Mum and Dad, Brother(8) Sister(15)
Realashionship: No
Kids: No
Money: $25

When you start you 1st your High-School you go to form where you meet some other boys.No one knows each other which is why you are so lucky. You are told to get to know each other by your teacher. You look around at people and hear some people talking about how Call of Duty is better than Halo : Reach (It is'nt Halo reach owns). A few people step in and say otherwise.
Do You:
A) Step in and say Halo is better than COD
B) Keep walkin round the class
C) Keep listening
D) You choose

Name: Vlad Zladivosky
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Biography: 1,85m Tall, Well-built, Dark Hair and Eyes, Moved to a new town from TrollTown.
Job: No Job
Family: Mum[30] and Dad[31], 2 Brothers[16],[18]
Realashionship: No
Kids: No
Money: $145
Inventory: Maths, English, History, Science, Geography. GCSE's. Ak47 (Full Clip)

You only manage to wake 1 up the others are dead. You both run on foot and find a motorbike. He asks you do you wanna ride or drive. You have to the quick decison as the police are coming down to where you crashed fast and you are just around the corner.
Do You:
A) Drive it
B) Ride it
C) Go on foot
D) You choose

3,523 posts

Name: Isaac Franks
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Biography: 5'2, minimal build, blue eyes, brown hair, usually wears a dar blue short sleeve shirt, a black wristband with the Halo Legendary diffuclty symbol on it, and blue jeans. Isaac is the unlucky middle child in his family. He doesn't have the best relationship with his sister, and his younger brother looks up to him.
Job: No Job
Family: Mum and Dad, Brother(8) Sister(15)
Realashionship: No
Kids: No
Money: $25

I'll keep listening.

1,943 posts

Name: Isaac Franks
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Biography: 5'2, minimal build, blue eyes, brown hair, usually wears a dar blue short sleeve shirt, a black wristband with the Halo Legendary diffuclty symbol on it, and blue jeans. Isaac is the unlucky middle child in his family. He doesn't have the best relationship with his sister, and his younger brother looks up to him.
Job: No Job
Family: Mum and Dad, Brother(8) Sister(15)
Realashionship: No
Kids: No
Money: $25

You keep listening and it brakes into a argument someone punchs another kid and it takes round to you. You get knocked over by the fight and one kid notices your Halo wrist band. He says to the others:
"See even that kid knows Halo is better than Call of Duty." They all look at you and then that kid is punched aswell. It is turning into a classroom brawl and there is no teacher in the class to deal with it.
Do You:
A) Join in the fight
B) Walk off
C) Watch it
D) Try to find the teacher
E) You choose

3,523 posts

Name: Isaac Franks
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Biography: 5'2, minimal build, blue eyes, brown hair, usually wears a dar blue short sleeve shirt, a black wristband with the Halo Legendary diffuclty symbol on it, and blue jeans. Isaac is the unlucky middle child in his family. He doesn't have the best relationship with his sister, and his younger brother looks up to him.
Job: No Job
Family: Mum and Dad, Brother(8) Sister(15)
Realashionship: No
Kids: No
Money: $25

I'm not getting in trouble on my first day. I'll say this: "Though we all play under different banners, we are all gamers at heart." (omg thank you so much either Gameinformer or OXM for preparing me for this)

1,943 posts

Name: Isaac Franks
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Biography: 5'2, minimal build, blue eyes, brown hair, usually wears a dar blue short sleeve shirt, a black wristband with the Halo Legendary diffuclty symbol on it, and blue jeans. Isaac is the unlucky middle child in his family. He doesn't have the best relationship with his sister, and his younger brother looks up to him.
Job: No Job
Family: Mum and Dad, Brother(8) Sister(15)
Realashionship: No
Kids: No
Money: $25

You brake up the fight just in time as the teacher walks in. One of the boys is hiding his bloody nose and tells you his name is Kris. At lunch you see all the Call of Duty players dunking Krises head in a meat salad.
Do You:
A) Go over and help him
B) Walk away
C) Watch it
D) You choose

3,523 posts

Name: Isaac Franks
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Biography: 5'2, minimal build, blue eyes, brown hair, usually wears a dar blue short sleeve shirt, a black wristband with the Halo Legendary diffuclty symbol on it, and blue jeans. Isaac is the unlucky middle child in his family. He doesn't have the best relationship with his sister, and his younger brother looks up to him.
Job: No Job
Family: Mum and Dad, Brother(8) Sister(15)
Realashionship: No
Kids: No
Money: $25

Find one or two Halo players and save Kris.

1,943 posts

Name: Isaac Franks
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Biography: 5'2, minimal build, blue eyes, brown hair, usually wears a dar blue short sleeve shirt, a black wristband with the Halo Legendary diffuclty symbol on it, and blue jeans. Isaac is the unlucky middle child in his family. He doesn't have the best relationship with his sister, and his younger brother looks up to him.
Job: No Job
Family: Mum and Dad, Brother(8) Sister(15)
Realashionship: No
Kids: No
Money: $25

You get a army of Halo players and you all fight the Call of Duty Players. They out number you but you have Year 11's they all run off out of the hall. You save Kris and talk to him he says thanks for saving him. When you are talking to him you feel like you have lost something. Kris says to you:
"Hey Isaac where did your Halo Legendery Wristband go?" You look down to your hand to find it missing.
Do You:
A) Tell a teacher
B) Chase after those kids
C) Take it on the chin
D) You choose

3,523 posts

Name: Isaac Franks
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Biography: 5'2, minimal build, blue eyes, brown hair, usually wears a dar blue short sleeve shirt, a black wristband with the Halo Legendary diffuclty symbol on it, and blue jeans. Isaac is the unlucky middle child in his family. He doesn't have the best relationship with his sister, and his younger brother looks up to him.
Job: No Job
Family: Mum and Dad, Brother(8) Sister(15)
Realashionship: No
Kids: No
Money: $25

A) tell the teacher (dorky, but who knows...)

1,943 posts

Name: Isaac Franks
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Biography: 5'2, minimal build, blue eyes, brown hair, usually wears a dar blue short sleeve shirt, a black wristband with the Halo Legendary diffuclty symbol on it, and blue jeans. Isaac is the unlucky middle child in his family. He doesn't have the best relationship with his sister, and his younger brother looks up to him.
Job: No Job
Family: Mum and Dad, Brother(8) Sister(15)
Realashionship: No
Kids: No
Money: $25
Inventory: Posters with Halo Legendery Wrist band

You are sent to the headmaster and you tell him about you make up some lies, about how it is special and it is the last thing your nan gave to you before she died. He puts a few posters up by lost and found. You notice someone wearing a blue wrist band the same coulourm as your Legendery wrist band
Do You:
A) Go over to them
B) Walk off
C) Tell a teacher
D) You choose

Sorry about long update I was watching Everton Beat Chelsea from 1-0 to 1-1 to 4-3 on penelties ( I support Everton)

Showing 61-75 of 218