You are watching tv. Gay people kissing come on. what do you do?
nothing... keep playing World of Warcraft.
Your on a island that is 1 sq foot made completely of camel poo. A wave made of camel piss is fly at you. WHAT DO YOU DO!?!?!?!
holy mother of camo turds. I would hop on the donkey and ride off into the sunset.
you are in a black forest. there is a forked road one direction goes east, the other south. What direction are you facing? There is a piece of camo turd on the south road. What do you do?
A small elephant wants a piggy back ride and he wont stop humping you until he gets it.
Autsj? I guess i probably started running towards very thin bushes.. i guess i will die anyway so i can try it:P
You are 60 and you and your wife are already together for 35 years. Only, you find out you don't love her anymore. You can't survive on your own because you don't have money but your wife still wants you to do dirty things with her every night (she is pretty ugly). What do you do?
stay where i am. you didnt say the fire is coming at me.
Off topic: Shoukdnt this be in forum games?
your dog peed on the floor right before you got home. you are out of paper towels, napkins, towels, etc. if you dont clean it up you will die from the stench. what do you do?