Ok this is my first forum game. So here goes. Ok one person has to take something from the shop, example a bannana. Then the next commenter has to take something from the shop but start off with what the first person said, for example bannana, then i say apple. Person after repeats saying something new. apple, bannana and pear. Hopefully we will get the longest shopping list ever.
Oh yeah and if you want you can put, i went to the shop and bought. Well here goes i'll start off i went to the shop and bought a xbox
ok you can post again but it has to be after someone elses comment. No more than one thing you can take from the shop. So urban wolf pick one from that list.
I know this is my first forum game. So i apologise in advance for any mistakes
I went to the shop and bought an xbox, a ps3, a laptop, a wireless controller, a tv, a 9mm pistol, a machine gun, a pp2000 an atomic nuke and a chocolate bar.