On August 3rd 2023,Aliens come to earth.the military cant do anything to contain it.millions of people have seen it crash in New York.they find out,they are not the enemy.The Aliens explain that their planet was destroyed by the robishan empire.they hope to make shure this world doesnt have the same fate.they combine technolegy and now we have Hover Tanks,Androids(not the phone kind) and even space lazers.Earth has entered a golden age.an age that will change the milkyway galaxy forever!now its up to you to defeat the roshiban empire.
Rules: There will be 3 Human Defenders of Earth and there will be Infinite Attackers.
RoshibanTeam-Send troops to norway. HumanTeam-we have reports of Roshibans heading to norway!!!!
RoshibanTeam-Send Sakat Division 1. HumanTeam-We need to send Hovertank division to tokyo now.