ForumsForum GamesQuestation (RPG)

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There are a bunch of RPG's out there, so I thought I might give one a try. You start off as a unknown creature. Your moves are your only identity.

- Give yourself a name.
- You start off at level one, with three strength.
- At the beginning, you have ten hitpoints.
- You start off with two moves. The first is a regular attack that depends on a combination/average of your strength and will (attack = strength + will/2). The second is one of your choice. The choices for your first gained special attack are below.
- Your will is your intellect of the opponent. It will be given when you meet something in battle.
- How much your strength is leveling up is determined by your level number. (leveled up to level 2: str. 2. Leveled up to 3: str. 4, etc.)
-The outcome is determined by your abilities (?). The first creature will probably be one that you can beat in one turn, like

[your name]
level: 1
Exp. 0
next: 50
Strength: 3
Hitpoints: 10
Attacks: regular, [1] (<- will say the attack, choices are below)
Will: 5 (may vary per animal - ranges from 3 to 10, depending on if you've met the type of creature before)
Items: health potion (you will start with one of these)

level: 1
strength: 2
Hitpoints: 5
(The other creatures have no will - they will hit you with their only attack, their strength, unless otherwise specified)
(if there are any item drops, them you will be identified after)

1. You hit 4, he hits 2
2. You hit 1, he dies.

+ 50 experience points

Level up! You are now level two. + 1 str. Choose a new attack: (it will give you a choice)

Do you want to use the health potion? your current health is 8. (y/n)

There is only one other possibility is a multiple choice path. (if you said no for the health potion, it will look like this...)

[your name]
level: 2
exp. 50
next: 250
Strength: 4
hitpoints: 13 (because you didn't use the health pack - your health will only replenish on odd levels)
attacks: regular, [1], [2]
Items: health potion

You meet a branch in the path. You have two options. Go left or right? (sometimes there may be more than two ways)

Now that that is said, your power choices:

- kick (strength + strength of creature/2)
- throw a box that came out of nowhere (strength + 2)
- zap - How did you do that? (strength + 1/4 of creature's hitpoints)

May I say that any attacks you do are all based off of strength, if you haven't noticed.

After a while, your identity will be revealed. You will then find an item and a quest.
Also. If you have already learned what you are, you can fight with someone else in the forums at both of you requests.
Once you have found out what you are, you can get armor for yourself. You will have to scrounge for the armor, but...
Helmet: + 1/16 of enemies strength in your def.
Breastplate: + 1/8 "
Platelegs: + 1/8 "
Gloves: you can get gloves either + 1/16 " or + 1/4 your own strength
I can't go too far into detail, or it will get really complicated. So no weapons. Just armor, health or extra str. potion (+ 1/4 your str.)
Oh, and once you find out what what you are, you can decide whether to level up in defence or strength.

I might have to limit this to only five people. So five people for now. If someone dies, wins (reach lvl 31!), or quits, someone else can try.

  • 1 Reply
219 posts

I forgot to fix the outcome. You decide your moves, the next two moves (Yours and the others) would be mentioned, and then the outcome. The first two levels will probably all be 2 to 3 turns each. I'm sorry, this is a long tutorial.

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