Fallout: The background. Narrator... "In the mid 1950's Alaska went black..." "The radios, the phones it all went out..." "The United States immediately reacted and sent the army to alaska with new made weapons most plasma and tesla based for armor or guns..." "What they saw when they arrived in Anchorage shocked them..." "Mile long rows of Chinese troops and Flak/Anti-armor/infantry cannons everywhere..." "The Americans attacked the city and the chinese bombarded their own men..." "The loses for both sides were great but they both turned to a newly discovered technology: the Atom bomb..." "They fired missiles and nukes that destroyed the world to where it was a radiated cesspool..." "Those who survived did so in great vaults and those who survived outside, well they aren't much human some say while others say there are better than humans..." "Now 200 years after the war fighting continues..." "Fathers, Husbands, Sons, Daughters and, Mothers even everyone is left to survive any way possible..." "Men fight and die, bombs blow up and kill and yet the fights rage on..." "But one thing is for sure..." "War, war never changes..."
This is the story... YOUR story...
Please give the reason you want to play + if you have ever played fallout and the game will begin once i have at least 3 and 5 active people at most. Even if no one joins at least whoever reads it will actually know the true backstory of fallout. Lol
You're half right. According to The Vault (THE Fallout Wiki), the Great War happened on Saturday, October 23, 2077. The nuclear exchange of missiles lasted approx. 2 hours.