Alright.In this game, there is a big plot of land. You have to build something in it. The person after you has to find a new way to destroy it and then put something in it's place. I'll start:In the empty lot I put a mansion.
The statue crumbles because it was actually made of stale cookies.I build a really big pie in it's place.
Around 500 people get together and eat the pie.Then I put a sign in its place. The sign reads:If anything/anyone goes into the lot, they will be promptly disintegrated.
i take the sign and nothing happens wierd wait disintegaate dont existi instead build a giant statua of mona lisa
You find out Mona Lisa is a guy and tear it down not to look,you know...It's true, look it up.I build A Futuristic Miltary base that is BulletProof-NuclearBombProof and everything inbetween
iyou dint say it was arrow proof i send a guy with a arrow and kill everyoneinstead i build a children hospital
Godzilla Crashes the Children HospitalI Build another NASA Launch pad
A volcano explodes and covers the entire launch pad in 20 kilometers of volcanic rock. I build a statue praising Bakura from YGOTAS. He is wearing leather pants in the statue. Don't destroy my statue if you get the refrence.
I burn his pants and blow up the statue.I build the empire state building.
Don't get the reference cause I have no clue what YGOTAS is and shoot a rocket at the statue.I buil a ninja dojo full of... yup you guessed it... Pirates arrgghhh.
I kill all the pirates and fill the dojo with unicorns.
I call in an airstrike on the area. The dojo gets leveled.I build a McDonalds.
I file a lawsuit against McD's and it gets closed down. I build a school where adults are taught how to play CHILDREN'S CARD GAMES!!MWAHAHAAHAHA!! (Dan Green would be so proud).
I blow up the school with giant high-powered chocolate fountain... that i built
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