ForumsGame WalkthroughsWeapon - useful tips

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1. When you start the game, choose either the Glock or the Kimber as your starting gun. The M9 is useless. If you choose the glock, use the Glock 18c mod, and press f at the start of every round to switch your gun to full auto. After the first round, buy the hi-cap mag. The Kimber is essentially a custom built Colt .45 and is a good choice if you favour power over rate of fire. Don't buy silencers as they don't do anything, but feel free to buy the laser sight if you want.
2. Go for headshots and fire in SHORT BURSTS. If you fire for prolonged periods of time, none of your bullets will hit the target.
3. When you get £4500, buy the MP5. The TMP is useless and the UMP and AKSU are a waste of money, as they are not much better than the MP5. Buy the ACOG, but DON'T buy the navy or silencer mods as these do NOTHING.
4. Keep using the MP5 until you can afford the AK47, then buy that and attach the ACOG. If you are good with the MP5, or just want a challenge, don't bother with the AK, just save up for the M14. At around this point, buy the vests and pouches - you will need the ammo. From this point, make sure you have plenty of grenades in case of emergencies.
5. Whatever you do, DO NOT BUY THE DELTA SNIPER!!! He dies far too quickly, does not shoot often enough, misses a lot, and doesn't do much damage. The delta sniper is a waste of money.
6. Buy the M14 as soon as you can afford it, and fit it with the ACOG, then buy the sling. The commando mod is useless, so don't buy that. From this point on, make sure you have airstrikes available.
7. Use common sense - repair when necessary, but don't waste all your money on repairs or you won't have any left to buy guns.
8. Hitting the right areas of enemies is vital to maximise the amount of damage you do to them. For infantry and rocketeers, aim for headshots. For EOD suits, aim for the face mask, and for the Technicals (jeeps), aim for the petrol cap located near the back of the truck. If you are decent, and have a good gun, you can take them down in one shot.

  • 2 Replies
70 posts

what game are you talking about dude?

164 posts

"weapon" by Simon Hason. It is in the shooting section.

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