Welcome to:1st poster makes a statement. It can be true or false.Next poster shouts OBJECTION! and then explains why the previous statement was incorrect.Then they make their own statement.1st statement:chickens are fluffy
You can prove a negative.
OBJECTION!!that sentence contains 4 words and a numbercandy isnt so good for u
OBJECTION gum can be considered as candy, and it has been proven to clean teeth after meals!Unicorns do not enjoy trolls (like mythical trolls, not people)
OBJECTION Unicorns are troll's pets, trolls tend for them and love them and the unicorns love them back.A lone wood stick that is bendy can bend
A lone wood stick that is bendy can bend
OBJECTION!It doesn't get bleeped, it gets asterisked.GLaDOs owns the Aperture Science Centre.
OBJECTION! there is no proof of that,any body in the hole world could be running itkangaroos jump atleast once a day
objection not if for some reason they are tied up.the above sentnce is an objection to the last post
OBJECTION! its (also) a statementpluto is now classified as a star
OBJECTION!Pluto is Mickey Mouse`s dog!Dragons are alive today.
OBJECTION!! No such thing as a dragon.Corel makes Adobe Flash Player
Corel makes Adobe Flash Player
OBJECTION!! not if he mysteriously dieddeath is the end of life
OBJECTION! Not if they shock your heart in a hospital.I wish I was a manatee.
OBJECTION!!! Transformation into animals is not possible, and who would wish they were a manatee?This thing is Justin Bieber:
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