Trash talking has become a big part of gaming, so what's your opinion on it. I think it can be used well, like if you Quick-Scope a prone jumper you can tell them they got their *** kicked. Sometimes it's taken too far. Sometimes I get in a game and instantly I get a "SHUT UP B*T**".
i never use trash talking. idk why i just dont. i dont like it but i know its just something people do sometimes so i dont care when people do that either.
wrong forum i think this would be better on tavern or Video Games not forum games unless we trash talk each other
Great point. Anyway, if this was posted for others to voice their opinions, I would say it is quite bad, even if not nearly the worst thing in multiplayer games. However, I'm not sure that it can be used with good intentions, despite, say, your opponent's being a show off, although there are times it looks like the last resort.
wrong forum i think this would be better on tavern or Video Games not forum games unless we trash talk each other
I have sent a request to have this topic moved.
I hate how people don't give you a chance to talk sometimes though. People just say "What kind of gamertag is that, you -beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep-". Also I hate people who teabag every kill, and even when it's not their kill.
People just say "What kind of gamertag is that, you -beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep-". Also I hate people who teabag every kill, and even when it's not their kill.
Worst thing is you invariably can do nothing about it. Children will be children (even "grown-ups" will be children), and whether they're good sports or not can not be simply affected by a single game where you try to convince them to actually play the game and not try to bury their teammate/opponent in inappropriate words.