Now all you do is fill out your ship assignment form and we'll send you on your way
Name: Age: Gender: Race: Physical desc.:be descriptive Personality:be descriptive Area of extra training: your perk for the above two i put Credits: 5000 ------------------------- Ship Type: leave blank Crew: Internal Weapons: weapons for the crew to use Ship Name: (god dammit not enterprise, or voyager) Ship Weapons: Shields: Hull Integrity:100% Status: -------------------------- Bio: optional, at least a apragraph Extra Supplies: your perk, from bio i put
fergot the story: As war rips out through the alpha quadrant, between the omnipresent human empire, against the klingons and a mysterious race from the delta quadrant named the dominion, the war is raging on as other races go on with daily business, but what will you do?