You are stranded on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean with other kids your age how will you servive?
Name: Gender:M or F Age:10 -15 Bio: OPT. Guild:NA (Yet) Job: What you do on the island. (Pick from below) Weaponepends on your job Clothes:Tee-shirt, jeans, shoes.
JobsYou go hunting for food.Weapon:Spear Gather:You gather fruit and vegatables.Weapon:Knife Builder:You build things like huts and weapons.Weapon:You build it. Loner:You do not have a guild. You wander the island, scavenging.Weapon:Watever you can steal, or make.
If you are confused of what a guild is you'll figure it out in time.
Name:Jimmy Smith Gender:M Age:13 Bio:None Guild:Blue (Dont fill this out yet) Job:Gather Weapon:Knife Clothes:Tee-shirt, jeans, shoes.
P.S. This RPG will probly only last a little while.
Name: Roark Gender: M Age: 13 Bio: OPT. Guild: NA (Yet) Job: Builder Weapon: Clothes: Tee-shirt, jeans, shoes.
You join the group they are arguing over who should be leader.Then somebody sugests that there can be two groups. They split to the group leader they wanted.
do you
A) Join guild RED
B) Join Blue
Name: "Wicked Jimmy" Bob Carlton. Gender:M Age:13 Bio:None Team:Blake Job:Loner Weapon:Sling shot Clothes: Tee-shirt. Shorts. No shoes. Baseball cap
"OK lets go" you head into the woods and split up. a few minutes later you find a bush with rasberrys but you have nothing to carry them in