Yeah, yeah, i know: I just started another RPG, and now I'm making another post. But this one is a bit funnier. You must answer the previuos persons strange question in a humerous way that makes a little bit of sense, then come up with your own, like this:
1p: What happens when your train of thought crashes?
2p: Well, all I can say is it can't be good.
2p: How does time fly, besides chucking a clock out a window?
3p: Glue your eyes on a video game, and you will soon find out.
OK, it's a bit stupid, but it's not the wierdest thread in here.
Q) If you had a choice between swallowing a can of thumbtacks or jumping off the sears tower headfirst into a thumbtack which one would you choose, and why ~.~
For the same reason we call male Ladybugs, Ladybugs! The difference is, apparently, so small that it would take someone skilled in "spot the difference" games to notice it.
If a pitcher pitches in baseball, do janitors "janit?"
I see this thread has made it to two pages, so I will add in one last rule, even though you people might already know it: No repeating questions. If people repeat questions, people might repeat answers, and that would get boring fast. so no repeations, lol.
Yes, janitors janit all the time! They actually "junk it", which is usually shortened to "janit", often seen with a double "n". Especially if they're female and are called Janice (imagine that: "Janice janits a lot.".
How did the exclamation mark become a question mark; was it really a punch to the stomach?!
I noticed it...Birds VS Bugs lol
But, at first glance, it might be missed.
Do Bald men wash their heads with soap, or shampoo? (Your armatar is Bald, so you should know the answer, p1a2r3i4s5.