story[b]: a noble king searching for a power to protect his kingdom from harm finds a evil dark power that consumes him and becomes a demon he summons army's of undead and ays siege on the 3 races : (dwarves, elves , humans)
[b]charachter sheet: Name: Age: race : ( dwarf , elf , human or undead) rank: ( miltia, soldier , captain , commander , general , admiral , etc.....) class: ( warrior , mage , assasin , archer , and evrything you know like summoner , necromancer , ice mage , shaman, etc... just what you want. favorite weopon: ( sword , dual sword , spear , shield , bow , crossbow , staff again what you want) Health: 10/10 ( for mages i dont use mana i will tell that in game) ( armour and states comes later in game)
i hope you like it for today i am not going to continue this RPG i wait until tommrow for some people to start. thank you
also just add what you need to do its good and got a better story this time guys and i will spell check it
story: a human king wants power to rule his empire and control it on his search of this power he finds a dark energy that makes a immortal demon. he creates army's of undead and lays siege on the 3 racces ( humans , dwarves , elfes) and wants to rule this world
( ya it like a stupid many used story i know but in the rpg you guys will get more of the story also just copy or charchters theyre good just set a rank because rank will change the storys so cant start now)
ya its alright (ps: miltia is a villager who isnt trained with a weopon)
Name: The Executioner
you are a Excutioner who lives a peacefull live in one of the human city's Antonia. you yourself trained with demonic arts and if anyone finds it out you will be killt. you hear about the king that he isnt still back on his search for power. when a wounded knight comes in to the main square of the city he tells his story that the king has become a demonic lord. but he didnt had much time to tell he died to his wounds. They cant save him anymore. You are trained by a demon master maybe he knows more about this you think to pay him a visit what do you do?
Name: Ulgoth of the Hammer Age: 84 Race : Dwarf Rank: Captain Class: Favorite weopon: Hand and a Half Sword (would say Bast-ard sword but it come up censored. It's the same thing, though. You can delete this part of the char sheet.) Health: 10/10
Name: The Doughnut Monster Age: 268 (I hope dwarves live a long time) Race: Dwarf Rank: Captain Class: Shaman Favourite weapon: Magic doughnut Health: 10/10
you got waked by your personal guard that the undead is going to launch an attck soon on the dwarven city while u are preparing for the battle you hear a scream out ur room you go look it are dead soldiers then an undead assasin threats you with his knifes. What do you do?
The Doughnut Monster: seeing an army of undead coming into the city the dwarves make their defences up urself are under command of a dwarven general who commands you to go and defend the soldiers on the wall do you agree with him? or what do you wanna do?
Name: blue wings Age: 17 race : elf rank: is it ok if i wont be ranked? i wouldnt want to be a part of an army class: mage favorite weopon: staff Health: 10/10