The year is 1943, and you are part of a squad of Allied troops dropped into the jungles of Japan. Your mission is simple: eliminate the enemy, and win the war. Your squad is the first to be subject to a new system, a controversial method thought of by the top minds of the Allied forces, to try and make soldiers perform better in battle. This system is called Exp level up. You will gain Exp points for any actions that have a positive effect on you or your squad, or a negative effect on the enemy. Good luck â" you will need it.
Name: Age: Nationality: Health: 10/10 Rank: Private Exp: 0/10 Primary weapon: (see below) Secondary weapon: (see below) Weapon attachments: (see below) Equipment: (choose from below) Perk: (see below) Kills: 0
Private: None Corporal: Faster running Sergeant: Faster reloads Warrant officer: More ammunition Lieutenant: Higher accuracy Captain: Higher damage Major: Extra health Colonel: Increased fire rate Brigadier: Multiple attachments General: Knows enemy positions Field Marshal: 2 primary weapons Note â" You may have up to three perks equipped.
You land in the jungle. Close by is a small Japanese village. There appears to be a small military checkpoint just outside it, guarded by 2 Japanese soldiers. What do you do?
Name: Hurley As you and your squad start to walk away, a group of civilians runs straight into you. They beg you for food and water. Close behind you, you can hear the rumble of the tank tracks as they draw ever closer to your position.
Name: Dylan The kid tells you that there are a significant number of POWs being held in a camp not far from your position. You radio in to base, and they give you authorization for a rescue mission.
Name: John Bravo The hut explodes in an enormous ball of flame, and burning debris scatters all over the town, killing the remaining soldiers (+5Exp). You drive the tank into the house, destroying the walls and bringing the roof down on top of a group of fleeing civilians.
Name: Rick You fire at the soldiers, taking down 3 of them (+3Exp), and injuring some more. The other soldiers behind you run towards you, aiming their rifles at your head.