You grew up as a peasant child in the age of the zepplins, ballistic weapons, man-like creatures made of steel, Pirates, and much more. During the night all the children would gather around and listn to tales about the Pirates, The lost cities of Atlantis and Machu Pichu, The Great wars and revolutions and tales of the latest inventions. The story that interested you the most was the one about the lost city of Atlantis. You were determined to find the treasures one day or another and now that you are 18 that is possible. You were recently walking down Main Street when you saw a presentation down the street. When you got closer you saw there was a tank and a man sitting inside it with a strangesuit on. You saw a sign saying INCREDIBLE UNDERWATER BREATHING SUIT. You knew it was time to find this Atlantis.
Name: Daedalus Age: 18 Gender: M Country of Origin: England Physical Description: Tall, slight build, white hair, has moustache Characteristics: Good: 1. Good aim with cannons and guns 2. Good at sneaking around 3. Extremely good with maps
Name: Daedalus Blowhorn Age: 18 Gender: M Country of Origin: England Physical Description: Tall, slight build, white hair, has moustache Characteristics: Good: 1. Good aim with cannons and guns 2. Good at sneaking around 3. Extremely good with maps Bad 1. Tall 2. Horrible Sword Fighter 3. Slightly Deaf ------------------- Primary Wep: None Secondary Wep: None Ship Wep:None Inventory: Slot 1: Slot 2: Slot 3: Money: 50 Pounds ------------------- Ship Type: None Ship Name: None Ship Crew: None Treasures: None
Haaaha blowhorn.
You wake up the next morning thinking about the breathing suit. You walk outside and see your friend. He walks up to you and says, "Hey did you see that underwater thing yesterday?"
dude, ALL RPGs have plot, even if it was too unoticable to see, or slap you right in the face, and your too dumb to see it (no offense)
What? I couldn't read that! When I went to school they found I was so stupid they couldn't make me learn how to read. I'm basically scribbling stuff through this weird device and hoping it will create a witty response to a comment I can't even read. But I bet that comment's submitter was a very smart, and handsome man; way greater than me, anyway. Okay, I've got to go now: my mom is calling for me to get moving to the special ed extra-curricular class, in the hope that somehow I will get even a bit smarter than a ****ing beetle. But I bet the comment submitter is so smart and genius and amazingly awesome he can teach me to be smart and see stuff like the genius smart awesome people. I want to be just like him, because being horrifyingly stupid sucks so much. Oh please, who-ever you are: teach me the ways of the intelligent ones, so I may learn to be like you. Just. Like. You.
I have a weird feeling that I have a ban potential.