just go around and say why your awesomer than the person above you! it's easy! i'll start! i'm awesomer than you because i am awesome. now you try it!
I dont get how that akes you awesomer than me.I'm awesomer than you because I have a cooler armatar.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ill pwn you alllllllllll XD and this thread will be deleted but im tooo lazy to report you lol plus im your friend
hmmm im da best because i only have 9 posts
I'm awesomer than you because you didn't say you were awesomer than anyone else
lol im da best bacause i play sc2
I'm more awesome than you because I say that I'm more awesome, not "da best."
I'm awesome because I created dis awesOme forum that will probably be deleted!!!
I'm awsomer because I'm asking "Why is going to be deleted? Because all we do is say "I'm awsomer" or such?"
I'm more awesome than you because I use proper English.
im more awesome then u bcaz i uz txtng languge
i am awesomer then u because many people hate runescape XD ( srry i hate it too)
im more awesomer than you because i got a life.
i am awesomer then you because you just lie to me
I'm awesomer than you because my mom says so.I'm just kidding, she'd never do that. I love the word "awesomer" though.
Thx. I'm awesomer than u cuz I actually DO things with my life. Ouch!!
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