Hey, this is my very fist RPG adventure and I'm going about it in a new innovative way where you guys actually interact with each other and it will be same place different teams. and there will be killed but, there will be a never ending sequel if successful so here we go.
This is mission Radio kid
There is a German spokesmen threatening he knows plans of American Nuclear bombs and going to release is via radio. A unit of navy seals are sent to capture this mane but, Al Qaeda terrorist group are also wanting the plans.
Name: Bio: Alliance: ( German, Al Qaeda or navy seals) Weapons: (look below) Skills/abilities: (write 3 skill or abilities no more no less)
Al Qaeda- Primary- Ak47 or shot gun Secondary- RPG
We are going to start off small so 3 people max or if you guys have any suggestion tell me and ill change it. also, when this starts comment on my page about things that you like things you dont like and yeah i know not alot of selection but, remember we are starting out small
Name: Hurley Bio: Young, agile and fast specialises in cloak and dagger warfare is a keen marksmen and is used as a scout often. Alliance: Navy SEALS Weapons: Sniper Rifle and Deagle Skills/abilities: Quick Reloading, Silent Moving, Undetectable by radar and spy planes.
Name: Hurley Bio: Young, agile and fast specialises in cloak and dagger warfare is a keen marksmen and is used as a scout often. Alliance: Navy SEALS Weapons: Sniper Rifle and Deagle Skills/abilities: Quick Reloading, Silent Moving, Undetectable by radar and spy planes.
You were recently dropped and you need a way in the base there is a gaurd doing his hourly security watch what do you do
Name: John Bravo Bio: He grew up on a farm and learned the ways of farming. When he was 7 he got his first pellet rifle he only got a few bb's so he learned to conserve ammo which granted him the feat conserving ammo. When he was 18 he joined the army and decide to join the navy S.E.A.Ls with this he learned stealth ops and Combat Training. Since of his conserving ammo Skill He prefered to use his secondary as his main weapon Alliance: Navy S.E.A.ls Weapons Primary: Desert Eagle Secondary: M16 Skills/abilities: Conserves Ammo, Stealthy, Special Navy S.E.A.Ls training
Name: John Bravo Bio: He grew up on a farm and learned the ways of farming. When he was 7 he got his first pellet rifle he only got a few bb's so he learned to conserve ammo which granted him the feat conserving ammo. When he was 18 he joined the army and decide to join the navy S.E.A.Ls with this he learned stealth ops and Combat Training. Since of his conserving ammo Skill He prefered to use his secondary as his main weapon Alliance: Navy S.E.A.ls Weapons Primary: Desert Eagle Secondary: M16 Skills/abilities: Conserves Ammo, Stealthy, Special Navy S.E.A.Ls training
you are dropped a bit after Agent Hurley was down you see him but, you are next to the gate with no guards what do you do?
hey yea BTW. you should change the seals secondary from the D.Eagle to like a glock or an M9 because, SEALS are supposed to be stealthy right. so why would they use a loud giant gun. just a thought
you start out easy your in the base disguised as a German only thing you have no idea where the target is you see a map but, its in an office and you also see a hall way what do you do?
@sk8brder246 very true ill get a more accurate information for all groups for the next test thanks
@locoace3 reallY? the only RPG ive seen that has done that was gladiator and that wasnt much fun but, anyways any other comments please comment on my actual page thank you