After years of training you finally have made it into the fabled Secial Operations force. This elite orginization is one of the toughest of the tough and doesn't back down when on a mission. You hear about the ledgends such as Noam Coleman who ended the war with the assassination of the dictator of Korea, now it is you time to shine.
A war sprung up now in 2016 with the uprise of the Russian army. You get a call telling you that you a war has struck up and the Spec Ops are the first going in. You arrive at the training facility early in the morning. You find your room and are called down to a massive conference room. You see a battle hardened veteran standing at the fron on a podium. "May I have your attention men," he says, "Russia has nuked half of Europe and the rest if being evacuated. We are sending in the Spec Ops first and I congradulate each and every one of you for making it here. I also want to let you know tht most of you will probably be dead within 3 months. You will get no recognition for your mission, will be trusted with government secrets and will have t commit suicide when captured. Anyone that wants to back out now do so or forever hold your peace." You see a few people get up, "As for the rest of you, Good Luck."
First Name: Last Name: Age: Country of Origin Can't be USA or Russia) Physical Description: Cracteristics: Good: 1. 2. 3. Bad: 1. 2. 3. Bio: Primary Weapon: (AR, SMG, LMG, Sniper w/ 1 attachment) Secondary Weapon: (Pistol, Machine Pistol, Shotgun, Launcher) Misc: Grenades: (2 Frag, 1 Other) Knife:
NOTE: Go Here to make your PRIMARY GUN. Dont't just make a preset gun with a siht on it. Play around with the sight and don't play the old version. Once done go to file one the sight and click on export than copy what shows up and past it for your first post unless you want to reserve a spot then build the gun. The gun has to be approved and look like it is realistic. Say something if you don't want to make a custom gun and I could make one for you.
my computer is being funny and wont let me use anything inside the area in which you create the gun. So for now dont worry about the gun. I will have it later. I can picture it in my head.
First Name: Dominic Last Name: Rider Age: 24 Country of Origin: United Kingdom Physical Description: Slightly above average height but very broad and muscular. Dark brown hair and a slightly crooked nose from having been broken multiple times. Also has a large scar across his left cheek. Characteristics: Good: 1. Strong 2. Good aim 3. Resourceful Bad: 1. Slow 2. Short temper. (May sometimes make poor decisions because of this) 3. Not very stealthy Bio: Dominic grew up as an aggresive kid. To try to keep him in line, his parents sent him to military school. The school helped but he is still somewhat of a hot head. He has been known to get in fights easily. Primary Weapon: LMG (specifics later) Secondary Weapon: Launcher Misc: (What do you want here?) Grenades: 2 Frag, 1 Flashbang Knife: Combat Knife