as title says, I am wondering if I should upgrade to flash 8 Put out like that, the question seems pretty easy to understand, but it goes further than just that. My situation is quite perticular. The is a summary below if you don't want to read it all.
Few weeks ago, I spent the day at my father's work in a govermental institution for a special project. During that day, i made a really good impression on his boss, so i have been given a free copy (non hacked) of flash MX 2004 pro (flash 7), english version. Now, just in front of me, i have the french version of flash 8, free and non-hacked too. The problem is, its in french. Personally, I am french, but the problem is that the majority of the world is english, wich would make most tutorials incompatible, creating a hell for me, considering that i have only few experience in flash programing.
to sumarize, switching from V 7 to V8 of flash will create me a ton of problems, but are the advantages of flash 8 so immense that i should get over it and still uprage
if i could get my hands on an english version for free, i wouldn't be posting here. It's from the goverment of quebec, so it's french. obviously, i'm not going to pay 700$ for it if im good enought with flash 7
I agree with dank you should get CS3 only it is expensive which is why I got Flash 8 even tho CS3 was out. CS3 costs 10x as much as Flash 8 Flash 8:$80 CS3:$799
(Er, yeah, King, better delete that post too. It's also a forum policy violation. Given the randomness and the number of cases in which people have been arrested for publically discussing the practice of piracy, you're placing yourself and the site at considerable risk!)