Hey I need a programmer. The person needs to have experience in 3D Modeling, Flash, and MySql/PHP. We will not be able to pay you in advance or anything like that, but we can pay afterwards. email: dane12huck [at] yahoo [dot] com
I know all of those actually (go to the art and writing section, you'll find some of my 3d models, and I already made 3d models for games. Flash, well, not really good, I am only the artist in flash, someone else codes. In MySql/PHP, well, I'm a hacker, and have mastered that long before.) But you seem to have not proposed good.
We will not be able to pay you in advance or anything like that, but we can pay afterwards.
Why we? You already have a team?
No offense, but it seemed you just spent about a minute typing that, not really thinking about anything, and hoping people will join you, sounding like a two-year old in the process. Again, no offense, and peace.