Note: Some Sprites present here might not be owned by me. I will try my best to credit all those images I have used (they gave me permission) Also, if you see that your sprites are used without credits, please tell me, and I will credit you.
Okay, that's enough for that! Let's start. Warning though, this is a beta, and I am not really sure if this is going to be great. I'm just testing out the mechanics. If this becomes huge, more will be interpreted, including the a picture screen of your inventory, bio, name etc.
Pick one! Only four people are allowed to join, no more. (remember this is a beta though, and I think more will be supported when it's full blown)
Classes: Paladin Warrior Knight Thief
You need to make your sheet (completely short): ------------- Name: Class:
If you liked this game please support Eternal Amaranth, which is the game that is based from this. Also note that all classes, items, enemies, etc., are based from the game too.
Hi guys, I'm totally sorry, this message might ruin your day.
I will unfortunately be unable to continue this :O Why? My Bro got a trojan on the computer. I can fix it, but the program I use to create these images won't be up and running for about a week, so I can't continue.
Again, I'm so sorry. Here is an enemy you should have fought first:
Hi guys, I'm still caught up with this pesky trojan. Anyways, I'm actually planning to use Javascript in order to make the game more dynamic (meaning you can play on your browser by clicking stuff!) but main gameplay will still be held here.