ok so its rock paper siccors,but you can use anythingexamplerocklava beats rockwater beats lava,and so onil start,wood
Yup anything even disgusting muck, its made into mroe disgusting muck.
wait,how does that provide victory to either side?
... chaos control! *resets the game*...Shield! ^.^
Gun beats shield
banhammer beats everything. MRWalker wins: HAXXORZ!
Power of site creation beats banhammer.
Internet beats site.
Pressing a switch that turns of the internet beats internet
Laser beam from a space satellite destroys button and internet
Asteroid collides with satellite which houses lazar.
Tractor beam from Earth moves asteroid away.
Ray gun beats asteroid (by blowing it up)
My mouth eats the healthy raygun.
a corn dog beats your mouth.but it doesnt beat mine! (NOM NOM NOM OM NOM!)
Evil dentist drills into your mouth until it is useless.
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